Other Characters Part 2

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Hamleeeeet (Ham - leidjdh),

One day in the fall Finch had invited halie to go to the mountains. On the way there they stopped my a reptile convention. Finch liked going there because they had really cute MINATUREpiggies. Finch's mom decided to get one and they named it Hamleeeet. When they first got hamleeeet he was really small and the lady who sold him said he wouldn't only get like 1/4th the size of a regular pig.

A couple months went by and hamleeeeet got a bit bigger. He was a angel but around Amag he would let out his atomic farts. Halie and finch talked about him at school sometimes. He was famous by that point and was on the cover of Vogue. He had sparkly nails. Over time he got bigger and bigger.

He went from this-

He went from this-

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To this-

To this-

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He snorted a lot and the only time he walked was to fart on Amag. At first halie and fin were mad at hamleeeet because Amag was there "friend". When they learned her full name, AMAGONNARWHAL2020, they allowed him to because AMAGONNARWHALE2020 means TOXIC AND MEAN. They aloud him to fart and also replaced the water in her house with holy water. 

Side story 👁️👄👁️,

Halie and Finch had there last class of the day together. It was their favorite class. The teacher was eppppppic and the other people were funny. There was a boy named Jakahari. Jakahari hated the class and thought it was dumb and would protest. He was just like, "She be bad and she be bad". Halie and finch had to make flashcards for the class for something they were doing and drew random stuff. Then they hung them on the ceiling because, yes. Jakakari put a whole in the ceiling. The hole was BIG BIG QUANITA BIG! After that Jakahari had broke into Finch's house and made a pact with Hamleeeeet to share his fart powers. The next day Jakahari let out a huge, stinky, atomic, nuclear fart and the school never recovered and everyone had to go virtual but that was already going to happen.  

Another side story 👁️👅👁️,

One day Finch and Halie were chillinggggg at Finch's house. Halie got a text from one of Amag's toxic friends and it was toxic and mean. Finch had enough of it by then and was really angry. She got her computer and they ordered 5 bottles of this-

 She got her computer and they ordered 5 bottles of this-

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They also bought a goat. They already had hamleeeeeet... Later that day they went to Amag's house and sprayed her with it and let the goat eat stuff and Hamleeeeeet fart. It was a happy ending~



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