the first time meeting!

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It was a great day because sally was going to her first ever Christian concert and two day concert she was so excited because she gets to meet new people and gets to hang out with her best friend sandy.

Sally: I am so excited! Sandy

Sandy: me too girl!

They got all their stuff in the car and left.

Youth pastor: alright guys load the van its concert time!!

Sally: whooo hoo

They made it to the concert but Sally saw this boy with sandy that looked cute and he caught her eye.

Sandy: sally  this is jake, Jake this is my friend sally.

Sally is so nervous she doesn't know what to say or what to feel all she knew was he was so cute.

Jake: hello sally very nice to meet u!

Sally wanted to make a move so she did.

Sally: hey guys let's take a concert selfie!

Jake: OK come on sandy!

He gets so close to sally and she feels the butterfly's in her stomach tingle like crazy.

Sandy: I will be back u guys.

She left sally and her sister Missy alone with Jake Sally just kept looking at him smiling she didn't know what to say.. he kept looking at her she just smiled and talked to her sister.

Jake: well guys I am sorry but I don't know you guys that well i am going to go find sandy bye guys.

Sally kind of was disappoined the way he talked to her but she shook it off and let it go.

Sally and Missy: bye!

Missy: he's weird (she laughs)

Sally: I think he's just shy..

Sandy: sally I need to talk to you.

Sally: OK girl what is it??

Sandy smiles big and tells here how Jake calls her beautiful all the time and likes her a lot. As sandy tells her this sally gets that sad feeling inside. But she acts all happy and for a while after that she tries to set them up for months because she knows he would never like a girl like her. It never worked because sandy doesn't like him like that. The feelings she felt for Jake got stronger the closer they got the stronger they got but she held it in because she doesnt want to ruin their friendship.

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