cinq, ginger

106 8 13

SUPRISINGLY, SUSAN WASN'T MAD. I was just overthinking things. She just really needed to go to the library. I didn't believe her at first, but she insisted it was the truth.

I had double History of Magic at the moment and it was nothing like the course in Beauxbatons. Professor Binns was a ghost and had the most droning voice. If the class wasn't sleeping, they were whispering in hushed voices, trying not to disturb the teacher. Including the pair in front of me. As much as I tried to stay awake, I was doubting it was even possible, even with Gabrielle next to me, who was elbowing my arm every time I blinked.

My head rested on my hand, with my eyelids fluttering to stay open. 

Binns went on to talk about the war with the least amount of bloodshed in history. The only thing I gathered from this class was the topics, and names, of the time period. I knew this class would take a good amount of work to pass. I sort of pitied the ghost. He spent most of his life teaching, died while teaching, and then proceeded to teach. 

"Bloody hell." Said the voice of the ginger across from me. He was taller than I was, and had freckles dotted across his face. I didn't know him at all, and by the color of his tie, him and Justin weren't in the same house. 

"Quite the opposite really." I mumbled. He shot me a glance and his face turned a color that would rival his hair.

The boy with glasses snickered, ducked his head, and covered his mouth to stifle his laughs.

The ginger nudged him, shooting him a glare, and me an apologetic glance. I shook and head and rested my head on my arm, doing my best to get comfortable.

Gabrielle elbowed me in the ribs this time. "Ow." I muttered.

She mouthed "focus". I rolled my eyes in return which earned me another hit.

"That hurts, Gabrielle."

I only used her full name when I was genuinely serious. She picked this up quickly in second year when I told her someone was coming since we were out past curfew, using her full name. She didn't believe me and proceeded to walk. We got caught shortly after. Since then, it's only been used in serious conversations.

"I'll just do it lighter next time. I'm going to keep you awake." She whispered.

I huffed. 

Five minutes went by until he actually got to an interesting part. My head perked up to listen.

"The trolls in 1172 were very..." 

I felt a kick and my shin under the table. I glared at the ginger in front of me and he slide a piece of parchment over to me with a scared look on his face. 

With it, a game of tic-tac-toe was set up, along with a question.

Know how to play?

I looked back up at him to see a raised brow. I gave him a slight smile and nodded. Pulling out a quill and ink, I drew a circle in the middle, and slid it back over to him. 

The paper was slid back to me in less than a minute, with an 'x' in the top left corner, and a sentence under his question.

What's your name? I'm Ron by the way.

The boy with the glasses was watching our entire exchange with furrowed brows. I drew a circle in the bottom left corner, and wrote, Blakely.

I pushed it back to him and the raven-haired boy looked over Ron's shoulder to read it.

I heard their conversation in faint whispers.

"Tell her my name."  The boy with glasses said. "No."

"No? what do you mean 'no'? I was the one who suggested you-" "Shush."

"Don't tell me to-" He was cut off again. "Shush."

The dark haired boy threw his arms up in disbelief, and hung them back at him sides.

"I'm Blakely by the way." I whispered to him, as I stuck out my hand. "Harry." He grinned.


"You sound English." Ron stated, pushed the paper back to me with a little bit of aggression.

"That's because I am." I said simply. He drew another 'x' in the top middle. I drew a circle in the top right and won. 

The clock rang as he looked at the paper I had given back to him, and when he looked up, I was already halfway out the door. Harry snickered."

✦  ✦  ✦

a/n; first, happy holidays yall.
 second, this might be the last update this year because i'll be travelling.
much luv, and stay safe as always. xx.

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