A late Drinking Night

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This book is dedicated to Joonseok0901. They wanted me to make this fanfiction for them centering Cana. This is their's plot, I'm simply writing this. I hope you enjoy it!

"Cana why did you invite me to drink with you?" Lucy groaned lying on the guild's floor.

"Stop complaining Lucy! The night's still young!" Cana shoves the barrel of alcohol down her mouth.

"Quit making so much noise all of you! This headache is killing me!" Erza yells, not practicing what she preaches.

"Cana- San how aren't you drunk like everyone else?" Wendy asks.

"Because unlike these lightweights, I can handle my liquor. I was about your age when I started drinking. Wanna try some?" Cana holds the glass towards Wendy with a grin.

"Oh no thanks Cana, I'm not sure if I should be doing this-" She was interrupted as Cana shoved the glass down Wendy's mouth.

Wendy started to spin around in her seat before she fell to the floor, along with Lucy.

"How dare you force alcohol down Wendy's throat, you delinquent drunk?" Carla insults.

Cana paid no mind to her as she continued drinking.

"That's it! Everyone shut up!" Erza banged her first onto the wall and caught everyone's attention. "Were all too drunk to continue this party. I think it's about time we get to our homes. Natsu! Gray! Get out here!"

"Not this again!" Natsu remembered how the girls get when they drink. Erza made him and Natsu stay behind due to this reason. "Let's go to you're place Lucy." Natsu picks Lucy off the floor and places her on his back.

"Nastu... When we get to my place can you make me pur? Lucy said with a blush.

"What?!" Natsu yells.

"Natsu and Lucy sitting in a tree. K I S S I N G!" Happy giggles.

"Shut up Happy!" Natsu responded after they left the guild.

"Looks like they're going to have a long night ahead of them," Gray rubs his head as he watches them leave. Suddenly he felt someone grab onto him.

"Gray-sama! Juvia had to drink without you this whole night! Can you share just one drink with me?" Juvia asks.

"Erza gave clear instructions to take you home-"

"Gray-sama please! Juvia grasped onto him and shook him back and forth.

"Fine, just get off me!" As Gray reached for the bottle of booze, Ezra held her blade out at him.

"Gray. What did I tell you?" She gave the typical Scarlet glare that always. manages to send her guildmates into fear.

Gray gulped. He grabbed a bottle of booze left on the floor and ran out with Juvia. "We'll continue this at my place!"

"Spending a night at Gray-sama's house! This is a dream come true!" Juvia shouted throughout the streets of Magnolia.

Erza watched as they ran off. "Both Lucy and Juvia are gone. That just leaves us three," Ezra turns to Cana who continued to take shots, and Wendy, who lied on the floor dizzy.

"We all live at Fairy Hills, so it's best we leave together, Erza suggests.

"Nah, y'all two can go. I'm going to make good use of our alcohol supply," Cana smirks.

"Cana. Master and Mira will be very angry if you go through our month's booze supply again," She warns.

"Don't worry about me! Just take the kid and the kitty home!"

"I am much more advanced than you're an average cat if the booze got in you're way of telling," Carla scolds.

"Wendy get up!" Erza ordered.

"My heads spinning!" Wendy said seeing stars.

"I'll just have to carry you then," Erza picked up Wendy onto her back. "Carla take some booze."

"Don't you think you had enough to drink?" Carla decided to put in her two sense. However, with a simple glare from Erza, Carla quickly flew and grabbed a few bottles.

"Remember, to lock the place up after you're done. And be careful," Erza said.

"Yeah, yeah. This isn't my first time doing this," Cana waved them goodbye as she continued to drink.

XXX: Two hours later

Cana could barely walk into the streets of Magnolia without almost falling every second. "I'm so drunk!" She groaned.

As she made her way into an alleyway, she began to hear loud cries. "Am I that drunk I'm hearing baby noises?" Cana asks herself. "Or are my eyes deceiving me? That's a baby!"

Cana looks behind a garbage can to see a small infant, wrapped in a baby blue blanket. He had short brunette hair, same as Cana herself.

Cana starts to panic. "What am I suppose to do?!" The drunk screams echo through the town.

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