Search For The Mom!

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Joonseok0901 Here's the second chapter! If you see any mistakes, just give me time to edit them. I hope you and everyone else reading this enjoys!

It was the afternoon now. After her hangover, Lucy was making her to the way the guild with Natsu and Happy.

"My head still hurts about," Lucy complains.

"Well, that's what you get for drinking so much!" Happy replied.

"Shut up you stupid cat!"

Nastu paused walking. He looked behind him to see a shadow.

"What's wrong with Vastu?" Happy asks.

Natsu walks towards the alleyway, "Someone's following us."

Lucy grasps onto her keyholder, "Who's there?"

As Natsu approached a valley of cards were sent at him. Natsu quickly moved to the side and then jumped onto the trash can. He jumped at the person with his fist coated in flames but fell to the ground in midair covered in a cloud of wool.

"Cana!" Lucy ran to her hug her but noticed she was holding a baby. "How do you have a baby?!" Lucy shrieked with a bright blush.

"Such a cute baby!" Aries complained.

"When did you lay an egg Cana?" Natsu asks in a muffled voice.

"I'm not sure that's how it works Natsu," Happy said.

"Guys this isn't my baby!" Cana yells. The group was starting to catch some attention from the townspeople. Cana lowered her voice, "I'll explain at the guild".


"You found the baby by Fairy Hills?" Erza asks.

Cana nods while keeping eye contact with the baby. "He's so cute. But so annoying. The demon kept me up all night!"

"Can I hold him," Wendy asks?

"Sure! I need a break from the little thing!" Cana places the baby in Wendy's arms and rocks him.

"Be careful with him Wendy," Carla warns.

"I know!"

"We need to find the baby's mother," Lucy said. "Imagine how she must be feeling, losing her newborn child."

"I agree! Let's find a search party to find the child's mother! Natsu, Lucy, and Happy! You'll be team 1. Gray and Juvia, will be team 2. I'll search on my own. Wendy, stay with Cana and the baby!" Erza orders.

"With my sense of smell, we'll find this kid's mother in no time!" Natsu grins.

"Yeah!" Lucy gives a thumbs up.

"Not before Juvia and I find his mom, flame brain!"

"What you'd call me popsicle pants?" Natsu and Gray clash heads.

"I believe in you Gray-sama!" Juvia cheers.

Due to the discourse, the baby starts crying in Wendy's arms.

"Stop crying please!" Wendy tries to rock the baby and sing to it but nothing works.

"Natsu and Gray!" Erza was about to break up their fight till Cana trapped them in cards.

"Cana!" Lucy looked at her. She was stressed by the fighting and crying occurring.

"Hey! Let me out this stupid card!" Natsu shouts.

"Cana how could you do this to me?" Gray yells.

Cana picks up their cards and hands Natsu to Lucy. And Gray to Juvia. "Take them and go, please. I need a drink!" Cana walked over to the bar to be served by Mirajane.

"Give me all the booze you have!" Cana sanks her face onto the table.

"Feel better..." Mira whispers.

"Alright! Let's get going!" Erza marches out the guild and Lucy and Juvia follows behind her.

"Let me out of her Luce!" Natsu screams.

"Not happening! I'm in charge now!" Lucy puts on her brave face.

"Gray- sana I'll keep you safe!" Juvia puts Gray's card down her shirt.

"It's suffocating!" Gray cries.

"Good luck guys!" Cana screams out as her friends left out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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