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Third person POV:

"P-please! D-d-don't do this! Spare m-me!" A man has cried out to you, backing away from every step you take closer.

You scoff. "How disappointing, here I thought you were tough and all! Picking a fight with me. Though..." You stop in front of the man, putting your hands on your cheeks. "Your reaction is priceless!" You give an insane laugh. "Despair... Despair! Oh the despair! I bet you're feeling lots of despair.." You began to fantasize about how much despair the man was feeling, you loved this feeling.

"Y-you're in-insane!!" The man cried out. The man was quivering in fear, crying, pissing his pants, begging for mercy.

"Night night~" You said with blood lust in your voice. There. Lying on the ground was the man's head. Blood was everywhere. You were in a ally way, it was night time, no one was around. There in the ally way lied the man's friends, dead. You had blood all over yourself as well. Your eyes were emotionless.

You blinked twice.

"H-huh...?" You said. You realized that your other personality took over, you had murdered 5 buff looking men. "W-what... How did this.. How did this happen..." You started to tear up, after a second, a river of tears were falling from your eyes. 'It happened again... I did it again..! I have to leave!' You thought as you ran away as fast as you can, shoving the knife in your pocket. You didn't bother to think about the scene you left. They won't find out you killed them anyways. After a while, you arrived at your cabin in the woods.

You opened the door, as you walked in, nobody seemed to be awake

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You opened the door, as you walked in, nobody seemed to be awake. 'Thank god... If mama and papa sees me like this... They'll freak out and send me away!' You thought as you headed for the bathroom. You showered and cleaned your dirty clothes in the process. When you were done, you hung up your clothes to dry and went to your room, changing into pajamas. Afterwards, you cleaned your blood soaked shoes, leaving them to dry. You checked every room in the cabin. Nobody was there.

"They must be out drinking... Gives me enough time to clean up!" You said cheerfully, cleaning the bloody footprints you left. Once you were done, you decided to sit down and think to yourself. Trying to figure out how you ended up killing those group of men.

You are 12 years old. Abused by your parents growing up. They both were alcoholics and got mad easily. Growing up, you developed a second personality. Whenever you would see something bad happen to your parents, you enjoyed it. It didn't feel right though, half of you wanted to see them suffer, enjoyed the despair they felt, the despair you felt. When you were 7, you decided that you had to take care of yourself since your parents were obviously not gonna take care of you. Most of they day they were out working, then the rest drinking. They were bad people though, your mom was a prostitute and your dad was selling her to other men, both young and old. They both enjoyed their job, you didn't though. You trained yourself in the wild, taught yourself how to fight. You were a strong little girl. Though, you never had the courage to stand up to your parents, they scared you. If you were to talk back, they would beat you. You learned how to survive the hard way.

In school you were an outcast, you didn't know what was popular and what was not. People judged you because of what you liked. You only had one friend who accepted you. Their name was Mary. She was the only person who truly loved you. Her parent's did not know about her friendship with you, once they found out, they took her away from you, telling her she can't be friends with you. Forcing her to be friends with others.

When you were 9, your other personality began to take more control, you developed more anger, and beat up your bullies one day when you had enough. You broke all their noses and twisted their ankles, bruised their eyes. They were begging for mercy while crying. It wasn't you who beat them up, it was her your other personality. You enjoyed the sight of them beat up, their blood on your hands. But it wasn't you. Of course you got in trouble, you got expelled. But when you turned 10, you started to kill. You trained more and was more skilled. Every time you killed you got away with it.

The real you did not like this, the real you hated it.

Ah... Back to how you killed those men..
Your parents wanted you to buy some groceries from the store, completely ignoring you're a young girl.You got in a black hoodie and grey sweatpants and white sneakers. With your hood over your head, you went shopping. Once paid, you head home, it was really dark. On your way home you bumped into a group of men. One of them raised their voice at you. "Oi..! Who do you think you are you little shit!?" "Huh..?" You said in a deadly tone, today was not your day, plus, your other side was showing. One of the men grabbed you by the shirt and threw you in the ally way. You gave them a deadly stare but they ignored it.

"You picking a fight bitch!" Man #1 said, cracking his knuckles, walking towards you. They tried to throw a punch at you, you caught it, breaking their hand. Taking out the knife you hid in your pocket, it was the only thing you had on you, slitting his throat. His blood splattered everywhere, screaming in pain. "A-AHHHHHHHHHHH!"
"Y-You bitch! I'll kill you!" Man #2 yelled, running towards me.
You scoffed. "Is everyone here really an idiot?"
Once the man tried to throw a punch at you, you dodged it, grabbed his right arm and twisted it, then went for his head, twisting it as well. You turned to see the three other men sweating like hell, terrified. They knew they couldn't fight you or win. You looked at them and laughed. "This is actually entertaining me! I'll just kill the rest of you for fun!" You stated. You killed two other men, both detaching their head from their bodies. Then, that's when the last man was begging for mercy. You obviously had to kill him.
[Flashback end]
'Okay... That's how I killed him..' You thought as you grabbed your chin. 'I want to change for the better! Maybe I can sneak into mamas and papas room to search for stuff to do so I can escape from them all!' You thought, again. Once entered their room, you searched for an hour, until you came across the Hunter Exam.
You were thinking about it, and you pretty much saw it as the perfect opportunity to change! It's supposed to be hard, so it might make you stronger. And being a hunter is like being a hero...! Though some people use being a hunter to their advantage. You exited out of their room, walking to your room. 'Well, I'd better start preparing at least! It starts next week!' You thought.
(1234 Words)
(Not including these words btw)

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