Chapter 18

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Russia POV

This was the Endgame. America ran off again to fight. Philippines was beside Russia, reloading her gun. She was wheezing with effort, but she refused to miss this fight. He wasn't going to miss it either, he still had one good arm, he could still shoot a gun.

He spotted North, Vietnam, and Poland fighting among the swarm of cannibals. America was a little ways off, slicing and stabbing. Russia stopped to reload and Philippines began firing her gun. They took turns shooting and reloading.

That's when China entered the fray. His whip hand cracked, slicing three people on half them he whirled on others. Slicing, cutting, shrieking in inhuman fury.

The townsfolk realized that the tide had turned and now we're trying to retreat, but it was to late. America and North closed the entrance gates.

Russia watched as they all wailed as China moved like an animal among them. The tables have definitely turned. They were China's prey now, he was the apex predator.

Russia watched as the endgame came to an abrupt end. Everyone stood beat up and gasping for air. But it wasn't over.a tentacle wrapped around Vietnam's waist and threw him. He landed on his back a few feet away from China, the wind knocked out of him.

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING?," cried Philippines, trying to run to them but stopping to cough, she still wasn't fully recovered after all.

America reacted faster and stepped in between China and Vietnam," China, what are you doing?"

China was covered head to toe in blood. His pink tentacle turned crimson. He was using it to paint the grass, his eyes crazed. Russia limped up to stand by America.

" China," he said, louder," Can you hear us?"

China met his eyes, then he snapped. He wailed, it was an animal like sound. His tentacle sliced across Russia's chest, drawing blood, but not to deep. He yelped in pain and hobbled backward.

" I'm gone," said China," Britain killed me."

Everyone fell silent. They all knew what he meant. He finally had become the monster Britain had wanted him to be, he couldn't fight anymore.

" Please please please," whimpered China, falling to his knees," I don't wanna do this anymore, I don't wanna be a monster."

Russia bit back a sob, no, not again.

" China...," Russia was cut off.

" Please Russia," China wailed," Please do it one last time, say goodbye one last time...please."

Russia ran up and hugged China, not caring if that tentacle hit him again.

" China, I'm so sorry," he said," You would be okay, if I had stayed muted."

" No no my friend," whispered China, hugging him back," I'm okay now because your talking to me like I'm human."

" You are human, we all are," said Russia, putting his pistol to China's forehead," You saved us all you know, you won the endgame."

" Now I'll be the last one to die," said China," That's nice."

He smiled and a tear fell from his star eye," I'm happy that my death signifies peace."

" Goodbye China," said Russia.

" Goodbye Russia," said China," Don't forget to talk okay."

" Okay," said Russia," I won't."

Then he pulled the trigger. But he still hugged China as he fell limp. He still hugged him as China's head hit Russia's shoulder, limp and gone. Russia forced himself to smile, he still cried though.

It's over.

They won.

China did it.

It was finally over.

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