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Co-yes I do think
A-okay then if you have powers and I have powers do you think Aya,Jiggy or D'quan might have them
Co-I don't really know
Co-but what I did know is we need to wait to later tonight so we can research it when everyone is sleeping
J-what y'all whispering about
Alaysia and Cohen-NoTHiNg
Mi-mamas come sit wit daddy 😫
A-can I finish my conversation with my brother first
Mi-yes you may 🤨
A-12 o'clock my room
*they whispered that just to be clear*
d-Ight y'all what movie we finna watch
K-what about tinker bell
Z-grow up Kobe 😭
B-what's wrong with tinker bell
*y'all laugh for a while after that and just decide to just go upstairs and watch shows on y'all own with...well you get it btw Zahra and Vallyk are now together same with Mya a Dejuane I believe the only non official couples left are you Mike and Derek and Brooke.*
*Skip to 12 when Cohen comes to your room btw Mike is still up with Derek playing the game on the other side of the house*
A-grab my computer off the desk and give it to me
Co-so what is us researching this gonna help us
A-so i searched up things about mom and dad and apparently mom and dad owned a really big business so with that being said we can go to there old jobs and ask around if they would notice there eyes changing colors and just say it's for some stupid assignment for you about superheroes and powers or sum shit and if that doesn't work then we can search up there medical records and see if they ever went to the doctor about it and we may also have to go in mom and dads room for the first time since they well yk died to check there room to see if we can find something that would let us know that they had them too
Co-your plan is way different than what mine would have been
A-yeah because your dumb and I'm smart
Co-haha very funny
Co-but when are we gonna go to there job and ask around
A-tomorrow after we get done packing up most of are stuff so we can be ready by Sunday to start moving everything in
Co-okay bet but can I go now I'm tired ashh
A-yeah go but I'm finna go see what mike and Derek are up
Co-Ight Gn love you
A-love you too ugly bum
Co-haha funny

(Your talking to Derek and mike now just to be clear)
A-hey bums what y'all up to
De-nun really the game is starting to get a lil boring since mike KILLED me
Mi-in my defense you tried to kill me first
A-would both of y'all shut the hell up
*I walked over to the bed and sat down and watched mike play since he killed Derek*
De-can you play in my hair
A-I'm tireddddd I think I wanna go to sleep
De-fine.mike you goin wit her?
Mi-yeah hol up
De-well goodnight ugly I love you
A-love you too
De-goodnight to you too mike
Mi-goodnight but don't forget are plan for tomorrow
De-I won't yk I won't forget
Mi-you forget everything so I just had to remind you
De-oh shut up and get tf out but no fucking just sleeping when y'all make it back to that room
(Okay it might seem like they live at they house or sum they don't they go to there own houses but I just don't write it)
Mi-I can't make any promises
A-yes the hell you can I said I'm tired
*y'all go back to your  room and go to sleep*
The next morning
(Btw this is your POV)
I woke up to see mike wasn't next to me anymore he probably left to go back to his house,I went to the bathroom to get ready for me and Cohens long day ahead of us I got in the showers did my hygiene blah blah blah
(This is what I wore)

mike you goin wit her?Mi-yeah hol up De-well goodnight ugly I love you A-love you too De-goodnight to you too mike Mi-goodnight but don't forget are plan for tomorrow De-I won't yk I won't forget Mi-you forget everything so I just had to remind yo...

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