Chapter 1

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"I know you're awake Avey, so get dressed before you're late for school." Her mom said from the other side of Avey's door, trying to turn the handle before banging on it a couple times.

Avey rolled onto her back, looking at the pasty white ceiling in what was suppose to pass as her new room.

"Avey!" Her brother called from outside the door. "Let me in, please?"

Avey got up with a sigh, waiting as she heard her brother's voice say quietly: "I got this mom, we'll meet you downstairs."

Avey opened the door after her mom's footsteps faded away. Stephen walked in and sat on her bed and Avey closed the door behind him, locking it again.

"Have a seat little sister." Stephen patted the bed and Avey walked over to sit next to him. "None of us wanted this to happen, but all three of us know it was for the best. The relationship with Eric wasn't a healthy one, for any of us." Stephen said, referring to their father as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Mom loved us enough to get us out of there, try not making it too hard on her. I know you miss your friends, who wouldn't after packing up and leaving like that? But you do have their numbers so you can talk to them anytime you please."

"Why can't you ever just let me be mad for a little bit?" Avey asked, laying her head on his shoulder so he couldn't see the small smile playing around the corners of her lips.

"Because life is too short to be angry all the time." He told her jokingly.

"I am not mad all the time!" Avey laughed as she shoved him off the bed.

"Please woman, don't lie to yourself." Stephen chuckled as he got off the floor. "Now get dressed, and dress to impress. It is our first day at a new school by the way."

"You're lucky I love you Stephen." Avey said, throwing her pillow at him as he walked towards her door.

"Be ready in an hour little sister." He said, dodging the pillow easily and throwing it back at her before walking out of her room.

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Stephen led the way as they walked through their new high school to the office. Taking her headphones out of her ears Avey looked around, watching as the other students stood at their lockers, starring at the new kids as they walked past.

'Stephen will fit in well.' Avey thought to herself as she noticed a group of football players a little ways down the hallway.

"Dude, check her out." Avey heard one of the boys say as she walked by.

Turning around, Avey caught a pair of the deepest, bluest eyes gazing back at her. His shaggy brown hair hung just above his eyes and Avey had the desire to run her fingers through it.

"She's hot as fuck." Another one of the boys said and Avey watched as blue eyes punched his friend on the arm.

"Shut up Drew."

"Earth to Avey" Stephen said, snapping his fingers by her ear. "We're here, brave face little sister." He said when she turned back around to face him.

"Quit calling me that." Avey told him as they pushed inside the office.

"You must be the new transfers?" A petite woman asked as she walked to the counter that separated them.

"Yes ma'am." Stephen told her with a kind smile.

Pressing a button neither of them could see, the lady spoke into a microphone off to her left. "Alex Blake and Howard Drake to the front office please." When she was done she turned back to the two of them. "We set it up so each of you would have the same classes with two of our students so they can show you around the school. Ah, here's one of the young men now."

Avey turned to see blue eyes walk in. "What's up Mrs. G?" He asked with a kind smile.

"I'd like you to meet Avey. Avey meet Alex, he'll show you around today. If you need any extra help don't be afraid to ask. Now, you two had better get gong. We don't want Avey late on her first day do we Alex?"

"No ma'am." He answered with a smile, which he then turned on Avey. "Ready pretty lady?" He asked, bringing a blush to Avey's cheeks as he held the for open for her.

*AN: I hope you like it so far, I would greatly appreciate comments so I know how to make this story better. Once again, thank you for reading. Until next time my lovelies.

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