Chapter 4:Real Talk

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Taehyung had enough. He blames Jungkook. It's all his mate's fault (okay, maybe partly his) for spoiling Jimin and letting the pup get away with anything. And now, the dumb arse would still defend Jimin.

The omega queen groaned as he rested his head on Seokjin's lap; the elder omega brushing his golden locks of hair.

"Had a fight with Gguk again, dear?" Seokjin asked, continuing to brush Taehyung's hair. "What else? That dumb arse kept on spoiling Jimin! I get that he loves our son; I do too! However, he's not confident being a parent! He's scared to upset Jimin, and so he lets the pup do whatever!" Taehyung cried. "I tried to talk to him about it. He was quick to shut down my pleas and concern. He doesn't want to listen to me."

Taehyung sat up, rubbing his tear stained face. His tears left a large wet patch on Seokjin's dress, however the elder omega doesn't mind. "I tried to fix Jimin's ways. I tried to discipline him; however Jungkook gets mad at me for it. He even uses his alpha voice on me... He keeps on telling me that I should let Jimin have everything he wants. I'm afraid I'm too late. Yoongi told me everything that happened when they went out on a date. I knew Jimin was spoiled; however I didn't know he felt that entitled!"

Seokjin sighed, caressing Taehyung's face in a reassuring manner. "Shushhh... Don't stress over it alright? It's bad for the baby." Taehyung sniffled, looking down at his small swollen belly before caressing it. It's not that visible, however he's already in his 4th month so Jungkook didn't know, not like Taehyung has time to sit down with him and talk with him about their personal life. With excellent artisans, inventors and scientists showing up and creating new things, it's Epiphania's golden age of flourish. They have no time to sit down and have a chat as Jungkook is busy managing the military and noble fraction; Taehyung himself is organizing the guild markets. They have no time to be the best parents for Jimin, Sungho, and their unborn pup.

Taehyung wiped his tears away. "Yes, I know hyung." The omega queen sighed, his eyes red and glassy. He looked a mess with his chapped lips and pale face; however he manages to still look gorgeous. "I just wished I could've been a better mother. If I had just been stronger..."


"Daddy!" Jimin cried, thrashing around and rolling on the floor. Jungkook was on his desk, trying his hardest to keep cool and not let his enraged pheromones out. He's still not halfway through his paperwork and now Jimin has barged in the study to throw a tantrum, all because Yoongi refused to talk to him for days.

Jungkook swore he has tried everything he can to try and make Jimin stop. He offered him dresses, cosmetics, toys, paintings, early access to deserts, and so on! However, Jimin wouldn't just stop throwing a tantrum and being upset. Perhaps this is a fated mates thing? Nonetheless, it's quite annoying and his heart hurts to see his baby so upset and in pain.

He doesn't know what to do to stop Jimin's cries and his head is pounding.

"Jimin, please..." Jungkook hissed, however Jimin was too busy crying and screaming to hear his pleas. Jimin is already flushed and red in the face from the tears and screaming.

Beomgyu knocked on the door before entering the study with a bow. "Sire, the nobles demand a new meeting. They have a new proposal about the 'Purple Road' that will make travel easier for other nations." The Royal Consort said, giving a parchment scroll to Jungkook who just sighed and nodded.

"Where's the queen?" Jungkook mumbled. "Tell him to take care of Jimin please. I'm busy." The alpha king sighed, talking as if his son isn't just screaming his head off in front of him.

"But Daddy! Mommy doesn't let me do what I want!" Jimin cried, making Jungkook groan and pinch the space between his eyes. "Beomgyu, please. Take him out. I need to get this done." The alpha king ordered to the consort who nodded meekly.

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