Chapter Twenty Seven : Scarred Earth

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16th August, AD 1656

Diosce Stronghold, 18 Kilometres east of Grendan and Asephire

Everent had always hated the rain. For him, it resembles sorrow and the cries of the ones died during battles. His father once told him that the moment his mother had passed away, it begun to rain. So, Everent was raised by believing that whenever it rained, one of the thousands of drops of water belongs to his mother's cries. It wasn't easy for the sergeant to ignore what had befallen on his own men. Those who are shell-shocked, wounded, crippled or even brain-dead, was often visited and comforted by the sergeant.

Whether it was born naturally with him or he was taught by his father, he didn't know. All he had was a pair of hands, ready to attend to those who are suffering. But thankfully, there weren't as many casualties compared to the ones in Esmerelda. Partly perhaps that the soldiers in here are more prepared and mainly, that they're provisions are supplied by three cities.

The Diosce Stronghold protects the eastern causeway that leads into Grendan -the closest city to the Cordia Line, and the first in the three cities that the Ansteig invasion force will encounter-. Strategically placed on the peak of the hill overlooking the causeway, it was considered to be the next 'impregnable' fortress right after the Cordia Line. But, with the Eastern Cordia Line destroyed, the fortress is indeed the next in line.

It's been already two weeks of constant shelling from the other side of the battlefield. Every day, Everent could see artillery fire flashed in the distance, illuminating the battered horizon with a bright light. Everent knew, that their enemies had moved closer to them, bringing along their enormous artillery guns. Of course, shortening the distance between the guns and the target would make the shot more accurate. But it also made them vulnerable to counter-attacks.

Ansteigens are not stupid. They knew all about the battlefield. Hell, Everent even respected them as a formidable opponent. What could more be better than the cold rain plus a two-week's worth of listening to the shrieks of the artillery's shell piercing through the air for the sergeant?

The sergeant trudged through the mud, lifting his legs at every step. One of these days; the Ansteig forces would tire of shelling their goddamn Aurelian foes out and try to give it a shot by hand. But charging across the battlefield and towards a fortified fortress is an idiotic thinking that only a poor tactician would suggest it.

Everent looked up towards the hill, and the view of the four-level fortress came into view. This way, he knew that he is still in the lower trenches situated at the bottom of the hill. As the sergeant moved along the trench, he began to feel as if he was back in the trenches near Esmerelda, doing his daily patrols along the edge of the trench, scouting out for any movements beyond the designated line.

The sergeant wouldn't want to pursue further into the no-man's land just beyond the line. Every Aurelian soldier was ordered to fire upon any moving target as long as if the target is beyond the line and if they were fired upon. The sky is gloomy and someone might not recognize the sergeant under such conditions if Everent were to venture deeper into the no-man's land, and then he would've pulled the trigger.

After walking along the edge of the trench, he stumbled upon a pillbox overlooking the entrance of the causeway. A long gas-operated heavy machine gun was mounted on top of the lip of the pillbox. With curiosity, Everent entered into the pillbox. There was a man, whistling a somewhat familiar melody and his hand rested on the mounted gun.

The man had already noticed the sergeant from behind and lifted his hand in a polite manner, saying hello. Everent approached the man sitting by the edge of the pillbox.

"Good evening," Everent returned his greeting.

The man was about the same age as Krom, but already quite bald, his remaining grey hairs tangled at the temples and the nape of the neck; his dark eyes looked curiously at Everent. A pair of binoculars hung on his chest, along with a whistle.

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