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Coach Sue and I walked into gym we see everyone on the floor doing streches and making small talk untill we got there, "OK Rebel Warriors gather around" Coach Sue says and everyone gathered around "So I went over what Stiles emailed me over the weekend and I love the ideas and team work that all of you guys put in and includeing the glee club exs memebers they have thrown amzing ideas in too i'm glad that everyone pitched in because that what team work is all about any ways that all I wanted to say so I hand it to stiles he got some things to say" Coach Sue tells the team 

"Thanks Coach, Alright Rebel Warriors as you all know that I'm your team captian so as team captian Coach Sue set me some task for the team like comeing up with a name for the squad , uniforms, workouts, healthy plans and many more and as you know we had a team sleepover at mine over the weekend and we talk about what we can change or inclued for the squad and we had some help from the ex glee club memebers with ideas besides that today i want to start with some drills and exercises then I'm going to work on what your roles on the team weather your a flyer, base, spotter or tumbler then after I seen what you can doo in each role we will let you know what role you get, me and Coach Sue are going to be watching every move you make because by the end of todays session what you get will be for the remaining of the competition season there no swiching spots untill your told am I clear?" I told the squad waiting for any reactions from the squad "Yes Captian" everyone said together " allright it seems that everyone had streched so now we are going to do drills for 30 mintues so everyone get line at the wall we are going to start with running ten laps to see how your deal with your breath and how fast you are" i told the squad, everyone got to the wall and lined up "ready, beggin" I start the timer and watch the squad  start running 

Three Hours Later 

"Ok eveyone take a water break while Coach Sue talk" I  tell the squad then I walked over to Coach Sue "Hey Coach I think it time to sort who is where while they are on water break" I told her and Coach sue nodded "Ok lets sit down and talk it out" they both sat down "so stiles what have you observed durning this training session" Coach Sue asked me " well I think that we should ask Puck, Mike and Matt tomorrow to test if they can tumble and be bases for the Rebaels because we need more males in our quad and I think Stan, Britt, Quinnie,Lyds,Ali and Erica are great at being our flyers Lys, Ali and Erica can tumble amazingly and we make do some tumble for some of the routine for different types of compations then we can have Isaac, Jackson,Laim,Boyd,Jacob be bases because they are strong know how to hold the flyers corectly and boy they can tumble well but there one thing,  we dont have engough guys for six flyers and then other girls there 5 girls that do acro and tumble then we can have the other five girls that just tumble and they can spot while being on the floor what do you think coach?" I told Coach Sue "I think we are heading in the right direction and we need to scout more members as right now we have 16 girls and roughly 9 guys on the squad right now we need to scout at least 5 more memebers for our squad what do you think Stiles?" Coach ask me  " I agree with that we need to scout more members, and  for the members that we have now we can up their names and their roles on the sheet and pin it up on the notice board tomorrow" I told Coach " Great we can dismiss for the day,do you want to type it up or do you want me to do it?" Coach Sue asked me "It's ok Coach I got prep the folders and tempary bags for the squad so I can do for you" I told Coach then Coach nodded back. 

we got up and walk over to the squad "Ok Rebels Warroirs, Coach and I talked about your performance it does need more work but everyone did great work today, right now we have your roles in place and you will see them on the notice board in the lockers tomorrow morning" I told the squad and everyone was happy about that "All right Rebel warroirs you are dismiss from practice today, drink lots of water, eat healthy and get plenty of rest" Coach Sue told the squad and everyone replyed yes Coach and got up and head to the lockers.


As we were leaving Quinn came up to me "Hey Stiles I have a question" she asked me.                "ok shoot" I replyed "Am I moving in to your place soon and can I stay at your place tonight?" Quinn asked me "off course no need to asking me if want to crash at my place and" then my phone rings and i pick it up " Hello this is Stiles speaking" I spoke into the phone "Hello, this is Jane from Child Protection Services, I was calling in regards to Quinn about her living with you, do you mind we can arrange a visit to your home to aprove the living condtions for quinn and for the rest for the teens that want to live with you is that ok?" Jane said over the phone


HEllO, my fellow magical readers of all kinds, 

I'm glad to be back it took me awhile to come back to keep writing I just hope that i can keep up with my writing 

I hope you are doing well 

If you have any ideas where you want this story to go please leave a comment down below or message me with your ideas i'm open for new ideas and i'm hopeing to bring in more charters who do you want to see come into the story please let me know 

from your writer 


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