Fix me

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Fix me then

If I am broken. 

Tell me what you see

that is so wrong. 

Smash down the rough edges

and try to smooth me out. 

Tear me down 

piece by piece. 

Fix me then

if you hate what you see. 

Mold me into something 

so beautiful you cannot stand it. 

Wash away the dirt stains

 to make me brand new. 

Spit shine the smudges

and remodel the inside. 

Fix me then

if I just don't add up.

Put me into a box

and make sure everything is just right. 

Place me on a pedestal 

and pose me how you like. 

Rip away the flaws 

and replace them with fresh paint. 

Hallow out my brain 

and plant flowers that will never bloom. 

Fix me then

if I am broken. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2015 ⏰

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