20. "ɪ ɢᴜᴇꜱꜱ ꜱᴏ."

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Oikawa has come to a resolution.

It was some time after two in the morning. He's currently sitting out on the little balcony attached to Iwaizumi's apartment. Freshly showered, he's dressed in borrowed clothes; the white suit from earlier had been tossed to the trash.

Originally, their driver was supposed to take them back to the glorious Mori Mansion, but Oikawa had declared that he rather get hit by a car than to return to that hellhole, so Iwaizumi convinced the driver to take them elsewhere.

Elsewhere ended up being Iwaizumi's apartment. When first suggested, Oikawa found it an awful idea. He almost rather sleep outside for the night, but Iwaizumi seemed pretty set on the destination so Oikawa rolled his eyes and made only a few comments about how soulmate isn't controlmate.

And yet, this is the first time in weeks he's been able to breathe so clearly. The night had cooled considerably since earlier, and the occasional gusts would leave trails of goosebumps on his skin.

He breathed in the early morning air, a trace of a smile on his lips.

The patio door behind him opened, but he didn't turn around because he knew it was only Iwaizumi.


He hummed in response.

"I'm sorry."

His smile grew a little more prominent. "Me too," he said softly.

"No. I'm sorry for how I acted tonight," said Iwaizumi. "I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, and I shouldn't have left you there. If I would've just stayed and listened to you, none of this would've happened."

Oikawa turned his body so he was facing his soulmate. Iwaizumi was staring at the ground.

"I'm sorry," repeated the spiky-haired male. "It's my fault."

Oikawa stood and took small steps towards the male. Wrapping his arms around Iwaizumi, he buried his face into the male's shoulder.

"Me too," he mumbled. "I'm sorry for not telling you. For keeping everything from you."

Iwaizumi slowly embraced him back. Oikawa felt the male's strong arms wrap around his torso, squeezing him with the comfort of a hundred hugs.

"I'm sorry," they both said.

Oikawa smiled and lifted his head so he could look at his soulmate.

"I guess we're both liars, huh?"

Iwaizumi smiled sheepishly. "I guess so."

Oikawa decided not to point out how that statement was a literal lie just for the sake of the moment.

They remained standing like that for a while, arms wrapped around the other until his ankle started bothering him.

He told Iwaizumi, who chuckled and helped him get seated on the ground.

"Stupid ankle," complained Oikawa. "It always messes up at the wrong time."

Iwaizumi smirked. "Told you that you should've gotten the doctor to check it out."

"And stay at the hospital longer? No thanks," he scoffed.

The smile on Iwaizumi's face faltered. It looked like the male was battling a question.

"Speak your mind, Iwa-chan," he said. "Let's be honest for once."

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