Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Skylar's POV:

As I walk down hall towards my locker I feel happy Knowing I'll be With My BFF Tiffany for maths , first lesson.

When I finally reach My locker, I quickly Put in my combination code and open it up , I also have it randomly written in my note book just in case I forget it, I Place my bag inside and grab what I need. Once I've finished, I find my Bff standing right behind me with a massive grin on her face.

"Hey Gal! You Would not believe what I just heard Zoe and her "gang" talking about as I walked past her locker!", She squealed.

"Hey! Ummmm.... Nope let me guess.... Has she gone and had yet Another Nose job?" I say while rolling my eyes.

" No!!! Noah dumped Zoe!!", I couldn't help but literally scream inside when she said that.

"What!! No way!! When!!??"

"Umm..Yes Way!! He broke it off last night at Cameron's Party , in front of the whole Cheer squad And Football team!"

"Haha! I would have loved to of seen her face when it happened!!" Just as Tiffany was about to say something the bell rang indicating that we needed to get to lesson.

When we had sat down , Mr. Jeffreys made us get our Math books out so we could start the lesson. As the lesson droned on and on, I couldn't even concentrait on the Algebra worksheet we were given , because I was way to busy thinking about how I could get dreamy Noah Daniels to notice me.


Hey Guys! Sorry its short, but I hope you all enjoyed it cause, there is plenty more to come, so please follow, like and comment what you think bellow. Xxx

Xxx Becky xxX

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