Chapter 13: Sombodys Watching Me

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*Tia's POV/ Three months later*

Today felt extra weird. This feeling that someone was watching me took over my body, fear slowly seeping through me. "Michael I feel like someone is watching me" I said almost in a whisper just in case someone really was watching me.

"Don't worry baby, I locked up every inch of the house and turned on the security alarm so if anyone does get through we'll hear them and be prepared" he walked over to me and kissed the top of my head. I let my towel slowly fall off of my body and on to the ground. He smirked at me and laid me on the bed circling every inch of my body with soft light kisses.

He opened my legs and ran his hand up and down my inner thighs. He looked up at me directly in my eyes as he always did and preceded to pleasure me. I threw my head back, feeling his warm wet tongue explore me. I still felt like someone was watching, but why not give them a show right? I'm sure they'll enjoy.

After Michael and I finished we had a long conversation about the baby and what her name was gonna be. I liked Amani but Michael said it was too ghetto. He liked Sarah but I told him it sounded like a name a slave master would give. does.

"Michael we are not naming our daughter Sarah. She's no slave" I busted out laughing. He didn't happen to find it very funny though. "Tia that's not funny. Slavery was a very serious topic" I couldn't help but to laugh even harder.

"Baby I don't like that name" I shrugged pulling the covers up my naked body some more. "Whatever" I pouted and laid his head on my chest.

(BITCH IMMA MOVA! No drama 😌✨)

I smiled to myself and ran my hand through his hair. "I hope her hair is as soft as yours" I smiled harder just thinking about having a baby with the love of my life. "Michael?" "Hmm?" Hummed groggily. "I love you" "I love you too baby" his voice was raspy and it was getting me hot all over again. We were both naked already so I got on top of him and slid down on him quickly waking him from his almost deep sleep. "Fuck- Tia what are you doing?" He asked breathing air in through his teeth. His hands held on tightly to my hips and helped me bounce up and down. I threw my head back in ecstasy and moaned quietly. "Mmm" I hummed.

"Do you ever get tired of this" he hissed now moving his own hips but faster. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his shoulders. My body fell limp and I needed some sort of support.

In one swift movement I was laying on my back, on of my legs rested on his shoulder and the other dangling off the bed. "Please...go faster" I whined as he slowed the pace of his hips. It felt nice, but I wanted more. "Beg" he whispered in my ear. "Please" I whined, my eyes were closed and I bit down on my lip harshly to keep me from moaning too loud. "Look me in they eyes...and beg" he said through gritted teeth. I opened my eyes and stared deeply into his. "Please" he smirked at me and pulled out of me.

"What the fu-" he cut me off. "Ass up face down" he growled. "Wha-" he cut me off once more. "Ass.up.face.down" I did as he said and got on my knees. I stayed there for at least a full minute while much just stared at me. "Michael-" He slammed into me receiving a loud shriek. I grabbed a pillow and pushed my face into it so I could scream all I want. "Oh fuckk" I whined as I came up for air. A tear trickled down my cheek, not because it hurt or anything, but because it was  so pleasurable.

Michael and I were both reaching our max. I reached behind me with one hand and grabbed his wrist as his grip on my waist got tighter. He gave one last thrust and we both were sent shooting into our greatest ecstasies.

After a few minutes we both calmed down. He smiled at me which I returned back and laid back on the bed clenching the covers. "You have to stop doing that we'll never get any sleep" he chuckled pulling me into him.

The same feeling from earlier crept back up on me. "Michael that feeling is back" I sighed snuggling up closer to him. "Baby, nobody is ever gonna touch you" I know he wants to protect us but our safety cannot be promised.

Then the phone rang. Michael and I both made eye contact but Michael's was more of an 'it's just a coincidence' type look. He got out of bed and put on some pants as he exited the room. I grabbed my robe and followed silently after him. He picked up the phone and placed it on his ear. "Hello?" He bursted out laughing and handed me the phone. "It's for you" I grabbed the phone and placed it on my ear. "I'm gonna go see if the baby is still up" I just nodded my head. "Hello?"

It was Aaliyah and Janet of course talking about the "baby" shower tomorrow. They were just gonna come over here and watch me open up some gifts they got me then eat pizza or something and have cake.

Michael came back with Marcus resting his head on his chest playing with Michael's chin hairs. I giggled at the sight and said my goodbyes to Janet and Aaliyah.

I kissed both of my babies and we headed back up stairs to go the sleep. I still had a feeling that someone was watching us so I had Michael bring his little crib in our room on my side of the bed. Michael drifter off to sleep first I just couldn't sleep.

I took the covers off of my bare body and put on my robe and slippers. My feet swept across the cold morning floor with little swishes filling the room. I walked down the staircase not only still feeling like someone was watching me, but that they were behind me. My first instinct was to put my back against the wall but there was no wall around me.

The feeling only grew stronger I ran as fast as I could to the kitchen to grab a knife and as soon as I was about to turn around to stab them I felt a tiny pinch on my lower back. I immediately fell limp, but before my body would hit the ground someone catch me and dragged me up a flight of stairs. "Fuck you're heavier than I expected" the familiar voice groaned.

My eyes soon grew heavy I couldn't keep my eyes open long enough to see who it was....

To be continued....

I hate this damn book and most of y'all have probably forgot all about this book 😭💀 um but I'll continue it if y'all want 🤦🏽‍♀️ also I'm ending the book very soon I just don't know what to do with it anymore.

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