so firstly i came to skl but fotgot a mask and i had like 10 mins to go into skl den i went to mysis and got one DEN I SAW DARIUS YAY then kamile saw me and we laughed for like 2secodnd DEN WE HAD ENGLISH AND I SIT NEXT TO PAT IT WAS VERY FUN den we had maths omfg imma cry ewe ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ewthen we had break i clovked that andre wssnt fuckingin and i cried cause he is my boyfriend lol =vanina bye then i had media which was dead today cause me end emma were sleeping all lesson but we did losten to one direcion which wa good DEN WE HAD SCIENCE AND i sit mext to sami and he helped me do my worj THEN ARDA GAVE GISS PAPER LAMACHUN AHHAhHAHHHAHAH ME AND KAMILE WERE GONNA PISS OURSELVES AHAHHAHAHAH then we hasd lunch now this was my fav part of the day as arda and omar had an argumnet and den RUBY AND OMAR ARGUED CAUSE OMAR CLOICKED IN HEE FACE AND OMAR STARED AT HER FOR LIKE 2 MINS AHAHHAHAHAHAHHA ITR WAS SO FUNNY then we foiund out gledia showers with her cousin ew and they complimentv eachothers ass and boobs likr wtf in a jokinhg way yes fine BUT THEY WERENT JOKING EW then i ahd french which was fun as we had a cover and me and zainab spoke all lesson and emirkaan called me a sweet ting and i nearly cried i hated it so much then miss ssaid if u dont wanna do work close ur book and literally evrryone did LOL me and zainab drew on white boards for half the lesson it was very entertaining tjhe we had form and me and kamile and zainab clocked a dictionary and playrd a game where we have yto read trhe decricption of the fiurst word we see and i got CIRCUMSITIOBN AHHAHAHAHAH then we found out that me zainab akmie have centralised tomorrow for the mosyt stupid reasonnjustvcause sir is in a bad mood then we left and i told kmaile that i stole a dictionarty and we lkaughed for ages and we took a pic of it thne i went hone and cri3nd cause my snake is annoying me and now we r getting rid of her the end