Part 14 - The Executioner

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The Executioner

Just as Zabuza was only seconds out and Hidan was beginning to twist in with a downward strike at the fallen Haku, with all intent to finish her off with a single blow, Naruto acted.

Stepping forward and ahead of a horrified Isaribi, the jinchuriki threw his right forward in a swinging corkscrew overhand.

"HIEN!" (Flying Swallow)

The second Naruto let his fist fly, the Akatsuki member was suddenly blindsided and intercepted by something invisible and fast moving.

A tunnel of wind, following a straight path through the air, exploded from Naruto's fist and ripped down the bridge towards Hidan, smashing into him at the speed of a bullet. The force behind it sent his body tumbling violently backwards across the bridge inside a twisting vortex, the sound of a gunshot ringing out all around.

The gale of wind that was its aftershock rippled past Zabuza and got him to stop, the swordsman looking up in bewilderment before glancing behind him to see where the hell that attack had come from. It just flew past his shoulder before he could even reach Haku or his target.

When Haku felt Hidan get knocked back and the winds whip at her own face, the teenager looked to see what had happened. To her left, she saw Naruto over twenty meters away with his fist thrown forward and a triumphant look on his face. To her right, she saw Hidan roll and slide to a stop on all fours, the force of the attack subsiding.

Winded, Hidan's head shot upwards. "What the fuck was that?"

Naruto, stepping forward into an orthodox stance, cocked back his left, "That was my attack, you bastard! I won't let you lay a finger on her!" Twisting in, he unloaded a full-power, left straight, "Eat this!" Another bang rang out when he fired off another blast of wind at the currently staggered Hidan.

The Akatsuki member growled and got up, preparing to block with his scythe, only to see the tunnel of wind shooting towards him change course, arc around and slam into him from the side, barreling him off his feet again. From there, all hell was brought down upon the stunned mercenary as hit after hit, Naruto chucked twisting blasts of wind at the stubborn antagonist, all of them either following straight paths towards him, or arcing and bending in completely different directions before converging on their target.

Seeing the blasts of wind rip down the length of bridge one after the other from the side, a surprised Zabuza watched the blonde haired kid stick it to their opponent. Glancing between them, the swordsman could only gawk at the raw display of power the kid was showcasing for them. "Those are the fastest wind based attacks I've ever seen." He watched the blonde smash Hidan into the air with an uppercut thrown from a distance before using another blast of wind to hit him from above and slam him back down into the ground. "The shots don't follow a linear path either. The direction they travel is dictated by the movement of his punches and come at their target after he tries to dodge. That's incredible."

An attack that could circumvent a guard after the target tries to move and still hit an opponent with full force? That was unheard of.

It certainly did live up to its name though.

Hien or Flying Swallow as it was called. The swallow was a bird well known for its sheer speed and sudden directional changes. The kid must have been inspired to name his attack based off of the animal for those very qualities it possessed. The fact that it was wind based as well meant that it fit the description almost perfectly. It sure as hell shook their opponent up something fierce.

Eventually the series of consecutive shots slammed Hidan into the end barrier of the bridge, where the seemingly invincible man crumpled to the ground. Battered from taking so many blows, as indicated by the untidy condition of his cloak and hair, and supporting himself on his weapon and bleeding from the corners of his lips thanks to his mouth being cut up, the Akatsuki member growled furiously and glared in the direction of the opposition.

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