14 | Prime time, crime time

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After I opened my eyes, I noticed sunbeams shining through in between the curtains.

I sat up straight while rubbing my eyes sloppily. I hadn't slept that good in a while, feeling completely recovered.

I went out of bed to open the curtains and look out of the huge window. To my surprise, I saw the sun starting to set.

For how long have I been asleep..? I went asleep at around 10am, and normally I sleep three to four hours, so how could it be the sun was already that low?

I looked at the clock above my bed, seeing it was 6pm already. So I have been asleep for eight hours, what an unusual occurrence!

My stomach cramped painlessly, reminding me that I haven't eaten anything for a while now.

I combed my hair, brushed my teeth and put on my clothes just before someone knocked on my door. I walked up to the door, opening it to see Jotaro standing on the other side.

"You haven't eaten anything in a while, have you? Here's something I bought, hope you can eat it."
He spoke up before holding up a bag with something inside. I accepted it while looking at Jotaro.

Luckily, he was not talking in Japanese with me.

"Thank you..! I just thought I should eat something. By the way, where is Kakyoin?"
"He is taking a nap right now, so I went outside to spend time."

"So you went out alone? Wasn't that what we weren't supposed to do?"
I asked him teasingly while opening my door further for Jotaro to enter.

"Do I look like I can't handle myself?"
"Well, you certainly don't look like a damsel in distress."
"Like you do, then."
He joked as he entered my room and closed the door behind him.

"Oho, what a meanie! But appearances can be deceiving. I think I can take good care of myself."
"Good care by forgetting to eat? Sure."

"I was sleeping, Jotaro, that's also care."
"How long?"
"Surprisingly, for eight hours straight. I woke up ten minutes ago."

Jotaro sat down on a chair while I placed the bag on the table.

"What is it that you bought for me?"
I asked him while taking out the still warm food from inside the bag.
"I don't have a clue what it's called. But I tried it out and it tasted good, so I took some for you and Kakyoin as well."

I smiled at him, leading him to look out of the window behind me.

Jotaro was actually a caring person. He likes to act tough, but sometimes he can't help but show his true nature. Once he knows you to a certain extent, he opens up in his own way.

I took a bite to try what the street food tasted like and it really was delicious! Indian street food really earned its title as one of the best around the world.

"You weren't wrong about the food being tasty. And luckily, it's not all too spicy for me."
I told Jotaro before taking another bite. I placed it on top of the bag to turn around and make my bed.

"Can't you sit down and eat at the table like a normal person would?"
He remarked, causing me to laugh.

"At home, I'm always doing something even while I'm eating. I can't sit still if you like it that way."
"So I'm forced to go eat with you at a restaurant so you can sit still?"

"No, can you just wait for two minutes? I will make my bed and then sit down to eat. It just bothered me."
"Yare yare daze."

After I made my bed and fixed all curtains, I sat down at the table on the opposite side of Jotaro.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now