The confession

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Midoriya's POV

When I was 4 years old, my mother discovered I had my father's power, I wasn't in control of it and would get dragon's scales if I overused it. I would grow a tail and some horns if I really went overboard. I found that heat would make me revert back to human. In an attempt to bring me to the hospital one night when I lost control of my fire breath, my mom had a crash. She died on impact and I was alive in the back of the car. Fortunately a hero was nearby when he heard the crash, his name was Eraserhead. He found me crying in the car as I shaked my mothers corpse to wake her up. He took me and consoled me, after that he officially adopted me. Although I never really recovered from the trauma.

At 8 years old, I met Kacchan, his real name was Katsuki Bakugo of course, but I gave him a nickname because I had a crush on him. Obviously he did not feel the same way... As soon as he saw me he punched me in the face, for some reason, I kept going after him. I wanted him to accept me, I wanted a friend... He let me follow him and would sometimes be nice... But as soon as other people showed up, he would beat me to a pulp. He started calling me Deku, saying I was useless and I believed him... In the school I'm at, I was marked under quirkless, because I didn't want anyone to know about my awful power... That obviously didn't help my case because Kacchan started saying I was a quikless nobody that didn't deserve to live on this planet. He even told me I should jump off the roof one day. God I almost followed his suggestion, actually that's where I am right now, on the roof, looking down at the probably hot pavement on the ground. I guess it wouldn't be so bad, jumping down there... At least my problems would be fixed, I'd get to join my mom. I could be happy, but then what would it do to my dad, he'd be all alone... I mean he has a boyfriend, but could he bare losing his child? Not that I'm any kind of useful or whatever. We're not really related by blood so I doubt he would actually care... I step a little closer to the hedge, one more step and I'd be on the floor as flat as a pancake... I hear a bell... Classes are over, I skipped them again... I didn't really mean to... I just got lost in my thoughts. Like usual, a spiky blonde hair comes out first, he seems nervous somehow... He doesn't walk like he usually does with his hands in his pockets, he seems to be looking for something... He turns around and looks up at me... Shit... I've been spotted, he looks really angry... At least way more than he usually does. He suddenly flies up to me and grabs my arms pinning me against the ground as I whimper.

"Oi shitty nerd! What the actual fuck we're you about to do!?" He scream almost like he cared.

"Probably jump Kacchan... What else would I be doing, looking at the scenery or some shit?" I say in a very depressed manner.

"Deku... Why!?" He ask serioulsy worried.

Was it just me, or was my bully actually caring whether I jumped or not?

"Uh... I... I don't know I guess I just wanted to die... Why do you care?" I say uninterested.

"Tch I dont care! I just didn't want your disgusting blood on me ya shitty nerd." He says letting me go but averting my eyes.

"Then you'll let me jump now right?" I asked without caring.

"WHA- THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? OF COURSE I WON'T LET YOU JUMP!" He looks at me concerned again.

Guess it's expected, he can't let me jump if he wants to be a hero...

"Right... Well I'll see you some other time Kacchan..." I say as I walk to the stairway door.

"Izuku... Don't.... Don't kill yourself..." He says, kinda looking sad.

"Yeah, sure..." I say fake smiling before leaving.

I make it back home, obviously dad isn't here since he's at UA... Time to do some relaxation! I walk up to my room and grab my box, I pull out a random razor blade and walk to the bathroom.

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