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Midoriya's POV

I am walking towards the principal's office. I'm quite nervous, since it isn't the first time I've gone into one and the last time I've gone into it was because I was about to get kicked out. Now I know that's not why I'm supposed to go there, it's because I've been recommended, but I'm still very nervous. I go to open the door when I bump into someone. I look up and see a half red half white hair boy look at me, he's quite handsome. Not as handsome as Kacchan of course, but he's pretty close.

"Oh I'm sorry... I didn't mean to b-bump into you..."


"Oh am I in the way!?" I say as I step aside.

He looks at me and walks in, I think I saw a small smile apear for a second on his face... Must have imagined it. I step inside where I see the principle and a young women with a big ponytail drinking tea together.

"Ah, Midoriya! How I have been awaiting your arrival! Eraser as talked alot about you." The principal says smiling.

"Nice to meet you too sir."

"Don't be so formal, alright, show me your quirks and then you'll be going to your classroom."

The girle, Momo Yayurozu was her name, creates a sword out of her body. Then the hot guy named Shoto Todoroki produces ice with his right but says he refuse to use the fire from his left. I sigh as it's my turn.

"Izuku Midoriya, quirk, Dragon breath" I say as I blow large flame.

"That's kinda cool..." Todoroki mumbles.


"Nothing..." he says as he looks bored.

We walk out of the office and I look at Todoroki.

"I wonder if your flame is like mine..." I accidentally mumble.

He stops me with his arm and looks at me, his plain expresion turns into a more kind and soft one, but just barely.

"I guess if it's you I don't mind..." he says before lighting a small flame in his hand.

I look surprised, I smile and thank him. To my surprise he smiles back before saying 'the pleasure is mine'. We walk into the classroom and find our desks, I look at them, they look so, I don't know... Formal? I walk up to Todoroki.

"Hey... Um... Wanna h-hang out and look around the s-school?" I say a bit scared since the people I've known always hated me.

"Of course... If it's with you I don't mind." He says slightly grinning.

We walk around and learn where everything is, we grab some drinks and talk together.

"So? What's your life is like?" I asked.

"My father is an self centered man who only thinks of his dreams... So home is pretty much hell, always has been... What about you?"

"My dad is cool, I guess, he's very strict and mean to others... But I get a special treatment. He's not my real dad, since my real one vanished when I was born. And my mother... She... D-d-d..." I say trying not to cry.

I feel arms around my face, he pulls me into a hug.

"You can stop... I'm sorry for asking." He says before releasing me.

My heart was racing crazy, this guy was way too nice and I wasn't used to it. I smile and loudly exhale as we walk back to class. I open the door and scream of surprise.


"IZUKU!? WAIT HOW DID I MISS- Oh right I didn't read the student list. How are you doing son?" He says keeping a straight face.

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