Chapter Two: Nekoma

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One day before the match


I panted as sweat dripped down my brow. The flyaways from my H/C hair sticking to my forehead. It felt like time was slowed down, with only me and the ball that was ascending in the air.

I lowered myself before leaping up, bringing my hand to the ball, I looked over the summit. Searching and praying for an open spot. I didn't see one. None at all.

I started to panic until I remembered what Coach Ono had said before the match,

"If there isn't a window, then punch a wall and make one."

Yes it sounds stupid but it's good advice, especially right now. I looked through the blocker's hands until I found it.

I hit the ball, making a 'crack!' sound as it bounced off of my hand, hitting the blocker's thumb and forcing it through the wall and onto the court floor. The world returned back to it's normal speed while I planted my feet back on the ground.

When I looked back up, I saw Naru, holding his thumb in his mouth as he held back tears. I snorted at the sight of this 6'0 boy sucking on his thumb like a baby.

"Stop L/N! It isn't funny! That hurt!" He yelled, triggering some laughter from the team. I looked at my hand, to see a familiar red tint to it. I closed my hand into a fist and stared at the team as they were snorting with laughter.

"Wait, what happened?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion. Matsu got up slightly, holding his stomach.

"You looked- so stUpid!" He said yelling through boisterous laughter. I looked at him with a fake offended look as he re-enacted me looking at my hand, smirking, and closing it into a fist.

I tried to hold in my laughter but I genuinely couldn't, letting out an airy, breathy laugh.

I walked over to were Naru was sitting and I grabbed the medical tape that we was poorly attempting to wrap his thumb with.

"H-hey! I was using that!" He said, blushing from embarrassment. I snickered.

"Yeah, and you're using it poorly. Here." I took his large hand in mine and began wrapping his thumb CORRECTLY. "There." I said, putting the tape down on the bench.

"Thanks N/N." He said, rubbing the back of his head.

"No problem, dumbass." I said, poking him in the middle of his forehead. I stood up from the bench to see Mikito walking in with a box labeled 'Hakkaido Jerseys' wait...


I ran over to Mikito, picking up the box from her arms and placing it on the bench. I picked her up in a hug and swung her around, "Thank you!" I screamed, kissing her cheek.

She turned bright red and fainted into Ishii's arms.

"You gotta stop doing that to her, N/N." He said, placing her against the wall on a bench. I looked at him, raised my eyebrow and shook my head with a smile.

I ripped open the box of jerseys to see FUCKING AWESOMENESS. They were sleeveless with a dark red base, black lines down the sides and in triangle patterns on the shorts. (Like fukuradani's shorts but black, dark red, and white), the numbers were white, I immediately spotted my number, "7" and picked it up out of the box.

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