The Bubbler

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Angel had gotten up earlier and was already at school. She hummed as she waited for Adrien.

She soon just watched Adrien and Nino. She tuned out the conversation. She then went on over and saved Marinette from embarrassment. "Adrien. Marinette has a present for you. She made it herself."

He looked over at them. "Really?" Marinette nodded and handed it over to him. He took it and unwrapped it. He opened the box. "You made me a scarf. You did this by yourself?" "Y-yeah. I did." He hugged her, "thanks." He pulled away then put it on.

"Happy birthday, Adrien." Marinette soon went off. Angel giggled at her then Chloe showed up. "Did you get my present?" "Uh no." "Ugh! They might've needed another guy to help! I'll make sure you get it." Chloe kissed his cheek then walked off.

"Gross. Now. It's finally my turn." Nino blinked, "you have a present?" "Better." "Huh?"


"Today it is your birthday and I sing to let you know. That you will be king for the day. Whatever you say goes."


Adrien smiled a bit.


"I spin for you and chasse you, Adrien. I pirouette as well and bow before the king."


Angel did all of those things. Adrien chuckled as he watched. Nino smiled himself.


"I sing because I love you. And I sing to let you know. That you will be king for the day! Whatever you say goes."


Adrien and Nino clapped and she bowed. "That was amazing Angel." "Totally! You have a great voice!" "Thanks. Let's get going to class shall we?" The boys nodded and they went in.


Angel smiled and hummed as she got home. She went straight to her shared room and got to the balcony.

"Bubbler is gonna show up soon. I should've went with Adrien and Nino." She sighed and Tikki flew out in front of her. "It'll be alright, Angel. You are Ladybug now. You can do this." She smiled and gave her a cookie. "Thanks, Tikki." The kwami sat down and started to eat.

Soon enough, bubbles and parents were floating away. "Tikki, spots on!" She transformed then yoyoed away.

She got to Adrien's Mansion. "Bubbler! You didn't invite me to join?" The Bubbler looked on over. "Ladybug." "Why not let me show you a fun time." She jumped down and got off her yoyo. She set it up then stopped his dj booth. "Time for some real music." He looked very confused.


"If you don't wanna see me."


Ladybug faced Bubbler.


"Did a full 180, crazy.
Thinking 'bout the way I was.
Did the heartbreak change me? Maybe.
But look at where I ended up.

I'm all good already
So moved on, it's scary.
I'm not where you left me at aaaaaaaall, so.

If you don't wanna see me dancing with somebody.
If you wanna believe that anything could stop me."


She smirked and he blinked.


"Don't show up, don't come out.
Don't start caring about me now.
Walk away, you know how.
Don't start caring about me now.

Aren't you the guy who, tried to, hurt me with the word "goodbye"?
Though it took some time to, survive you.
I'm better on the other side."


She jumped at him which made him react by jumping at her. She landed on the dj set and he landed on the food table.

She threw her yoyo and he shot a bubble. It made the yoyo bounce back towards her. Before it could hit her though, Chat Noir showed up, hitting it with his botan and made it stay straight up. "Looks like I made it just in time." "Thanks for the rescue." It hit his head and she caught it. "Oops."

Bubbler shot bubbles at the duo, who protected themselves with their weapons. But... Bubbler snapped and the bubbles turned green then surrounded them quickly. He laughed as they were trapped in a bubble.

"Give me your Miraculous before you run out of air." "In your dreams, Bubbler." "Total party-poopers, just like adults." "Kids need adults!" "False. Kids need freedom, fun, let loose and live it up. Adults are bossy." "But they keep them safe. They love them." "Most adults anyhow. You must bring the adults back!" "Nope, never... know what? Since you care about them so much, why don't you go float with them?"

Bubbler ran at them, making Chat scream. He soon hit the bubble upwards, again, Chat screaming.

"Chat, use your cataclysm." "Couldn't you have said that 500 feet ago?" Chat looked at her. "We can't stay stuck in this bubble together forever." He smiled at her, lifting his eyebrows. She blushed and giggled. "Maybe some other time." He smiled happily, "cataclysm!" His hand was surrounded by darkness. He touched the bubble, making it pop.

They fell.

"Botan in the tower! Quick!" "Got it!" He threw it, which made it get stick. She threw her yoyo, grabbing his hand. They swung then landed on the ground. "There." She gave him his botan back. "We have to destroy the bubble wand." The ring beeped. "Better hurry."

They rushed off.

"Sorry to burst your bubble!" She smiled cutely. "Ladybug!" "Ladybug! Ladybug!" "No one wants to party with you anymore, Bubbler." Bubbler turned to the others. "What's wrong with you all guys? Why you gotta be such haters?" He roared and Ladybug jumped at him.

She knocked him down. "Lucky charm!" She threw up her yoyo and out came a wrench. "Let's fix you up, Bubbler!" Bubbler got up and growled. Chat soon jumped him, starting a fight between them.

She waited until his back was turned. She rushed in and hit his hand, knocking the bubble wand away. She then grabbed it, breaking it in half.

The Akuma came out and she opened the yoyo. "No more evil-doing for you, little Akuma." It spun around. "Time to de-evilize!" She threw it and caught the Akuma. She soon let out the white butterfly. "Bye-bye, little butterfly." She waved as it flew away.

"Miraculous Ladybug!"

Ladybugs fixed everything and Bubbler was Nino once more.

"Who? Dude..."

""Pound it."" The duo fist bumped each other.

"Better get going. I can stay a bit longer. You need to change back." He nodded then ran away. She smiled then waved at everyone as they left.

Adrien came out and saw her. "Ladybug. You and Chat Noir were amazing!" He went over to her and she smiled. "Thanks." She kissed his cheek. "Huh?" "Happy birthday, Adrien. Bug out!" She ran off.

She got back to the balcony. "Spots off." Angel sighed and smiled at Tikki. "Adrien is the best guy ever." She smiled and they giggled.

I'm in Miraculous Ladybug? And I'm Ladybug?!Where stories live. Discover now