how this started

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So I don't know if a lot of you know this but this book originally started out as a joke I was going to make five chapters complete it and then leave it that was the original plan when I first started it then I made the An and realized how many views it was like 95 or so when I made that an and I'm like okay let's keep going then it got to a hundred and something and then it got to 200 which surprised me and then about over a couple of days it got to 1K and I'm like well holy s*** people actually like this it's surprised me genuinely it did because I didn't want to continue the story at first then I had fun making it so really I'm saying thank you to you guys you're the ones that keeps the story alive basically and I have fun writing it because originally I knew I thought I knew most people wouldn't read this and they believe it no right now I don't know how many read that but my best guess will I checked it a while ago 1.85K thank you just thank you

Ryuk x reader(UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now