An Unexpected Reunion

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Chapter 19: An Unexpected Reunion

That night, Dawson removed Basil's inverness and tended Basil's wounds by using a wet wash rag to remove blood from scars. When finished, the doctor bandaged them up.

"Dawson, is Basil alright?" Clover asked, worried about her boyfriend.

"Yes, my dear," Dawson replied, "I just bandaged him."

"I'm alright, Clover," Basil told her.

Andrew's, Olivia's, and Eve's faces fixated with concern for the injured detective. Dawson paused to see the long faces and could tell just what they were thinking. "Basil's doing alright so far," the doctor assured them, "He cared about your safety more than his own."

"And that's called true friendship," Eve stated.


Eve sighed. "I miss my family ever since the fire Ratigan started at my home."

"Oh, I remember that story," replied Dawson, "I pray that your family is safe."

"Me, too."

"You'll see them again," Olivia told Eve, being optimistic as she could.

"Or they'll see you again," Andrew suggested, "They just might be looking for you. Speaking of your family, I miss Flappy; he's like a brother to me."

"Me, too, Andrew," Olivia agreed, "He was a good friend."

"Three children is enough," Hiram declared, "But Flappy is like another son to me."

"I see what you mean," said Eve.

Dawson brought Basil upstairs to bed because Basil was exhausted ever since the battle from Big Ben.

The rest of them headed to bed, as well. Eve, Clover, Andrew, and Olivia slept in a room together as if they were having a sleepover, like they used to.


At midnight, Clover, Olivia, and Andrew woke up to see a ghost of their mother, Bridget Flaversham, making them gasp. "Shh...It's alright, children," Bridget assured them, "It's me, your mother."

"How did you get here?" Andrew asked.

"I came to see you," Bridget replied, "You children have been very brave for the past two days because you worked together to save your father and helped save London."

"What can I say? Siblings unite," Clover said.

"Eve was also there for us," Olivia stated.

Bridget nodded. "Yes, and she was brave enough to protect you all. Because of Eve, London is safe."

Eve woke up to listen to the conversion. "Yep, and Basil couldn't have done it without teamwork, so I helped."

"You were willing to make sacrifices for those you love," Bridget told her.

Suddenly, Hiram stepped in the room. "What's going on?" he asked.

"Shh...Hiram, it's okay," Bridget assured him, "It's just me, Bridget."

"Oh, Bridget, how I miss you," Hiram said.

"I miss you and the children, too," replied Bridget, "But I've watched them grow up wonderfully and thanks to you."

"Oh, how did I end up with children who work together and are brave, smart, and selfless?" Hiram blushed as he said this.

"Well, you're just lucky, I guess," was Clover's reply.

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