chapter 1

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"you're bloody joking" you cackled. "nope, not lying" the fire haired twins said while chuckling. "there's no way you're going to get a girl from beauxbatons to fall for you" you said still laughing loudly. the twins played a jokingly offensive look on their faces and pretended to be hurt. "and why's that" george asked. "cmon guys, nothing against you but the girls from that school are nothing but preppy prisses. they could never handle the chaos you two seem to cause" they look at each other and smirk. " we bet you 5 galleons that by the yule ball that we both have wooed a girl from beauxbatons, even though they're 'preppy prisses'". no way they're placing this bet. you couldn't believe that they would just practically give you their money. "you're on weasels" and shook both their hands. their confidence was almost disheartening but you stuck to your word as you were very stubborn. "y/n! fred! george!" you hear molly yell from the kitchen. "your letters are here!" you had stayed at the burrow over summer holiday even though you and the weasleys were neighbors. another reason why you were so close. you spent your whole lives together and now you were inseparable. after you read your letter you soon realized that summer had come to an end and you were to start your 6th year at hogwarts. you couldn't believe how fast the time had gone by. it seemed like yesterday you and the twins were getting sorted into gryffindor. you remember the day you were told you were going to be a chaser for the quidditch team and later found out that the twins were beaters. you felt yourself get emotional but shook it off, trying to not be sappy. you look up to see both twins staring at you. "thought we almost lost you there y/n" george said while fred chuckled. "we have to go to diagon alley to get some books and such before the year starts" he continued. you nodded and got up to go get ready for the day

-time skip to diagon alley-

"bloody hell it's packed in here" ron stated. "what did you expect ickle ronniekins?" fred nagged which caused you to chuckle. ron rolled his eyes and parted ways as he spotted harry and hermione. ginny, who hasn't spoken much all day, went off with dean thomas. you knew she fancied him and you were almost positive that he fancied her back. seeing them together made you smile. after everyone separated you were stuck with fred and george, which you didn't mind one bit. they were your best friends after all. you were deep in thought when you noticed fred in a gaze. you made eye contact with george and looked to see what he was so focused on. angelina johnson. you looked back at george and snickered. george punched fred in the arm, knocking him out of his trance. "woah now freddie, we have a bet to win remember? now wipe the drool off your chin and gather your things". fred blushed and chuckled. "ya know freddie, i say go for it" you state. "my totally non biased opinion is saying you too would look great together dancing at the yule ball" you finished. "cant get us that easily y/n/n" george stated with a smile then dropped it as he looked at his twin seeing he was in a trance again. you felt extremely confident seeing as freddie couldn't contain himself around her. you felt a sense of jealousy but brushed it off.
after you finished shopping you returned back to the burrow. you and the twins had created many different joke inventions over summer. the excitement inside you was almost uncontainable as you were ready to start the year and return back to your old mischievous self. you had promised molly that you wouldn't prank in her home over the summer and you stood by it. the twins were a different story. many stunts were pulled, some harmful others not. you saw how much fun they were having and it angered you because you were a faithful person and gave molly your word. however, now that you were back at hogwarts, you were going to pick up right where you left off. you cared about your academics at school but you still managed to make time for the twin and your antics. you were surprisingly a top witch in your year. the night time came and you knew you should go to sleep early. tomorrow was the day you returned to your second home. you entered the twins room and they were awake working on their final product. the makeshift bed on the floor was looking incredibly comfortable from how exhausted you were. as you were drifting to sleep your mind started to wander and you began to think about the jealousy you felt earlier. what made you feel that was. was it because you wanted freddie to look at you like that or simply because you wanted attention. you loved the attention of being the twins only girl friend. it had been nonstop all your life so when fred attention was diverted by another girl you felt weird. no, fred is your best friend, you didn't think of him like that. you loved him, yes, but you were too close. you drifted off to sleep and those thoughts danced around your mind.

an- hay bay. this isn't edited yet and was written in between different homework assignments so don't hate lmao pls enjoy sexy :)

strictly platonic// fred weasley x reader Where stories live. Discover now