chapter 2

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it was time. you could hardly sleep last night from the excitement. even though it was rather early and everyone else was just now finishing breakfast, you had been up and ready since 5:40. the irregular sleep schedule was going to take a toll on your pranking time with the twins, but you'd manage to make it happen. as you entered the twins room, you heard them bickering over who would get to shower first. "maybe if one of you woke up earlier then we wouldn't be having this problem" you added. "merlins beard y/n, how are you so chipper when it's this early in the morning?" george whined. you checked your wristwatch "8:26" it read. you chuckled. they have always been late sleepers, you as well but not as harshly as them. "i'm not sure, it's probably my happy-go-lucky personally that keeps me going" you stated with a sarcastic fake smile spread on your face. fred laughed a fake laugh and continued to argue with george. "well molly says we're leaving at 9:30 which gives you roughly and hour to finish getting ready" the twins glanced each other and raced to the bathroom, remembering what it was like the last time they made molly wait. fred had managed to beat george to the shower. he walked back to his room with his head hung low and a fake pout on his face. "awh poor georgie" you said while giggling. he plopped his lanky self onto his bed and you lied down next to him. "you know y/n, this summer hasn't been the same without you by our side, causing trouble" george said as he rolled over to face you. he threw his arm over you and started to drift off. "i know george, but we have all year now" his eyes fluttered opened and he smiled. "i missed you, and i know freddie did too" when he said that you felt butterflies in your stomach. what did he mean by he knows freddie missed you? "i guess i'm just so irreplaceable" you said jokingly. george snickered. just then freddie bursted into the room. his hair was wet and looked ethereal. you shook that thought out of your mind as you were only best friends. george got up to go take a shower. "you better not have used all the hot water" he said as he walked out the door. fred looked at you and smiled. "i used all the hot water". you both started to laugh. "what did you to talk about?" he asked. "nothing really" you replied. "just how much you missed my presence over the summer while you and georgie were out causing trouble" he snickered. "you don't have to say anything freddie, i know, i'm so awesome and fun to be around" you said. "of course y/n. i didn't think i could go any longer without you" he said dramatically. we began to laugh. nothing much was said after that as he continued to get ready to leave. george came back as well and finished getting ready. it was time to go.

-time skip- (also imma switch to first person pov bcus i feel like it more natural so just ignore that)

we arrived at the platform and we made it just in time. we stepped onto the train and found an empty compartment. george, fred, and i managed to keep a compartment to ourselves. we started to plan out first prank of the year. the twins and i had been tricksters from day 1. one of our earliest pranks was when we decided to turn ron's teddy bear into a spider when he was only a baby. i admit, it's pretty morbid but at the time we didn't see the problem. it was a harmless prank we thought. i now see that it was traumatizing but i cant take it back. fred and george on the other hand would still pull shit like that if i wasn't there to put them in line. the prank we decided on was handing out one of the twins newest inventions, puking pastilles. we'd pass them out to the first years since they weren't familiar with our antics. if anything we'd be doing then a favor, giving them a short illness to get out of boring potions. they'd be completely fine afterwards. after we decided that, we just began chatting. "so y/n" fred started. "neville says that you need to meet him at the astronomy tower after the feast if you're going to buy an ounce from him" he finished. i remember to take note of that. the twins and i had figured out a charm to get into each other's dormitories so we could stay over when we wanted. the twins shared a room with lee jordan, another one of our best friends and he didn't mind when i stayed with them. i roomed with angelina johnson and katie bell, we weren't as close as i was with my other friends but we got along quite well and hung out together occasionally. i preferred to have myself go to the boys room rather than them come to mine because i don't want fred daydreaming the whole time. i try not to think about fred and angelina. it puts a bad feeling in my stomach.
we were approaching kings cross station. we stepped out of the train and began walking to a carriage. we all sat together again, accompanied by neville and lee. " hello boys" i said, speaking more to neville and lee rather than the twins. "hi y/n" they said simultaneously. the twins and i began telling the boys about our opening prank of the year. lee loved it and laughed loudly while neville was hesitant. he worried a lot about the safety of others and didn't like to see people in pain or suffering. i began to feel tired. waking up as early as i did was starting to affect me. i put my head on fred's shoulder and drifted off.
"y/n/n wake up, we're here" fred whispered. it had gotten dark out. the first years got in the boats first and eventually it was our turn. i always hated getting into the boats, i felt as if i was going to fall in the lake. as i climbed in the boat i left a tight grip on george's hand. him and fred started to laugh. "don't worry y/n/n, i wont let you fall" george said while still laughing. "it's not funny" i said, shaking as i finished climbing into the boat. the rest of the boys hopped in without hesitation. "unbelievable" i said under my breath.
we entered the castle and made our way to the great hall and lee, george, fred, and i sat together as neville went to go sit with the people in his year. "neville i'll see you at the astronomy tower after okay?" i said and he gave me a quick thumbs up which made me giggle. the first years were sorted into their houses and dumbledore began his speech. after the long boring oration, the feast began. we all started to dig in and managed to sneak some food to save for later. we all chatted to lee about his summer and caught up. the twins and i started passing out some of the sweets to the first years. the feast had ended and we were dismissed to our common rooms. i split from the crowd and made my way to the astronomy tower. neville was there waiting. i flashed a small smile on my face and he did the same. we chatted a bit after the deal was done. neville was a very sweet boy. he was 2 years below us but he excelled in herbology. i made my way back to the gryffindor common room and went into the boys room. they were joking around and making themselves at home. "i got it" i stated. "but we should smoke tomorrow so i can get accustomed first". they all agreed and i made my way back to my dorm. i was greeted by angelina and katie, some of the sweetest girls i know. i spent most of the night catching up with the girls and gossiping. by the time i fell asleep it was around 2 in the morning. i'm so glad to be home

took me too long to write this for no reason lmao. procrastinating is awesome 😎 but i hope you enjoyed i'll update sooner or later :) peace sexies

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