Chapter Five: Coming Home

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Brittany spent the night mulling it over in her head, but she always came to the same conclusion. She loved Santana with everything, and she didn't want to carry on without her. They had obstacles, the distance was still there, and Santana had a girlfriend, but Brittany was sure what the two of them had, could overrule all of that. How could she leave here without trying?

The next day was a long one, but every time Brittany locked eyes with Santana, it just made her more and more sure. And as the two of them were finally alone in the choir room for the first time all day, talking about the misery of MIT, Brittany seized her moment.

"You need to be having a life" Santana told her "You need to be out in the world, going to restaurants and concerts and...and dating"

The trepidation in Santana's tone and the intense gaze she gave her, didn't go unnoticed by Brittany. And before she knew it, she was on top of her.

She kissed her so longingly, so desperate to remember the feeling of Santana's lips against hers. Her hand lightly cupped Santana's face, and as she felt Santana melt into the kiss, she stepped it up a notch and intensified it, pressing herself up against Santana as she went in for more. But then she felt Santana grab her hand and move away. And all Brittany could do was look at Santana as she panicked.

"It's a bad idea" she had said.

And Brittany felt guilty, for letting her body take over her and kiss Santana when she knew Santana had a girlfriend. But the spark she had felt was undeniable, and she knew that Santana had felt it too. That was when Brittany knew, she needed to tell Santana exactly how she felt.

It was now or never.

"It feels really good to be around you" Brittany admitted, thinking carefully about what she wanted to say "you make me feel like a girl again, like my body wakes up"

Santana shook her head, feeling jarred by both the kiss, and the revelation

"Please don't do this, okay?" she pleaded "I have worked my ass off to get over you"

Brittany stood, taking this as her cue to leave, but not before letting Santana know how she really felt.

"I really wanna be with you, Santana" she began, making sure she had Santana's full attention. She did, Santana's brown eyes were captivated, as she waited nervously for what Brittany was about to say "I've seen the world and...I'm sure now more than ever that, I belong with you. And I'm sure your girlfriend's...great, can't recreate what you and I have"

And Santana sat, her heart beating out of her chest, as she heard Brittany say the words she had been longing to hear for so long. Her eyes never left Brittany's baby blue's, and suddenly, Brittany was moving towards her again.

"It's your choice" Brittany whispered, before placing a soft kiss on Santana's cheek. And as she pulled away, she lingered for just a moment too long. Long enough for Santana's eyes to wander from Brittany's eyes, down to her lips.

"If you want me, I'm here" Brittany said simply, before leaving Santana with her thoughts.

Santana tried to control her breathing, a million thoughts running through her mind. The main one being oh shit.

Santana went home, and she had a long hard think over everything. She was so mind-numbingly confused, that she hadn't even made the effort to text Dani back that evening. She felt guilty. Not only had she kissed her ex-girlfriend, she was now subconsciously ignoring Dani's messages. She text Dani back quickly with an excuse about having a migraine after a long day, and she needed to get some sleep.

But she didn't sleep, she just continued thinking. About Brittany, about their kiss, about the bolt of electricity that had shot through her body when their lips had touched. The way Brittany had so tenderly poured her heart out to her, knowing how much words meant to her. Santana just didn't know what to do. This wasn't part of her plan. They were supposed to be over for good.

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