chapter 1

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once upon a time, there was a girl named Melissa. Melissa never had many friends. actually, she never had any friends, period. her parents were always working, and she had no siblings. 

Alyssa was the complete opposite. popular, with friends who invited her to parties and made up for the lack of siblings and lack of her parents being there. the only problem was she constantly felt lonely. both girls had no one to talk to. one night, Alyssa woke up from a horrible nightmare. she was at a pool party with her friends, and they all came over to her as if to hug her. instead, they pushed her underneath the water and held her there as she thrashed and tried to get up to the surface. she woke up right before she drowned. she realized her parents were standing over her bed, and that she had been screaming. 

"it's okay. it was just a nightmare," she reassures them.

Melissa had a similar dream, but instead, her lack of friends is what killed her. she was slowly drowning in a lake, and as she screamed and begged for help, people watched her with disgust.

"where are your friends? have them help you."

"I have no friends. please help me." she pleaded, but no one did. she also woke up just before drowning. her parents were standing over her, and she reassures them it was just a nightmare. she decides to go for a walk, and with no destination in mind, arrives at a lake. but not just any lake. it was the lake from her nightmare. deciding she has nothing to lose, she dives in.

Alyssa was invited to a pool party by one of her friends. it was at 8. she left the house in her bathing suit and arrives just on time. when she gets there, she realizes this was the pool from her nightmare. oh well, she thought. my friends seem nice enough. they wouldn't hurt me on purpose, would they? deciding she has nothing to lose, she dives in.

Melissa and Alyssa: together through timeWhere stories live. Discover now