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The leather straps bit against my thighs when I pulled up the harness to secure it around my waist. Having stripped down to just my panties, I didn't feel in character enough without something extra. I was still hurting, still trying to let go of the mixed emotions from earlier.

It was never a good combination to cross anger and sadistic behavior, but that seemed to be his intent. I knew what he wanted, and I knew why he wanted it. This kind of pain was a distraction—a way to give ourselves a break from the true pain, even if only for a brief moment. To say I didn't want it as well would be a lie.

With accessories in hand, I went into the room where I had left him and closed the door, locking us away in our quiet isolation. The ends of the long flogger dragged against the floor when I walked. I watched his eyes focus on it when I approached him. "I want your hands up there," I pointed above him.

He stood, reached above his head, and wrapped his hands around the metal rail. His muscles flexed as his lean frame elongated, his manhood hanging swollen between his legs. He was too tall to be overextended by the reach. A simple kick against his foot widened his stance and stretched his arms out straight.

I tied the silk around his wrist and tightened the knot onto the rail above him. He avoided my gaze. As I did the same to his other wrist, that same look of defeat lingered on his face. "Say it. When you need to—before you need to," I instructed him. He started to shake his head but I stopped him with a hand at his chin and my lips against his. When I pulled away, I insisted, "I need to know you'll say it."

"If I need to," he paraphrased.

As I ran my hands down his chest, against his abs, and over his slender hips, I stared into his eyes. My hand wrapped around him, my lips caught his again. 

He kissed me hesitantly at first, but as I stroked him, he gave into me. I teased my tongue against his between each taste of his lips. In the quiet, echoless room, the sounds of our kisses seemed louder and closer. Lost in the sound, it was as if we were two bodies in a void, that we had no existence beyond those walls.

I pulled my lips from his and began to lower myself. My tongue teased over one nipple, then the other, then my lips feathered kisses down his abs, lower still. 

I took him into my mouth. As I moved up and down his length, I sucked him hard, feeling him swell between my lips. When I looked up, I found his lips parted and the pain behind his eyes muted by desire. 

With my last piece of silk in hand, I tucked it beneath his package, wrapped it around the base of his cock, and pulled it so tight he winced. I picked up the hood from the floor, stood, and yanked it over his head.

Taking the flogger in my hand, I ran it through my other, feeling its weight, and testing its edges. It was good quality—unsurprising for a leather fan like himself. I stretched my arms and shoulders and I watched him stand ready. Every breath he took was calm yet expectant. A quick inhale followed by a slow, quiet exhale. He wanted to be here. He wanted to be with me. As much as I kept pretending I hated him, I reminded myself to only give him as much as he needed, rather than what he wanted.

From its position above my head, I swung the flogger hard, catching his ass and legs with my downward motion. He grunted with the impact, but wouldn't give me the satisfaction of letting me know it hurt. I swung again in the opposite direction and flipped my arm to repeat the path of the first, his skin reddening in an X as perfect as the position in which he was tied. His quiet moan was muffled by the hood. 

Like a dance, I traced the strands against my palm to angle my strike, lashed it against his skin, circled my arm to its original position, and caught it by dragging them against my palm once more. I walked around him slowly, the sound of every strike titillating me, teasing me, the pull of desire in my sex making me feel more alive. His body was a canvas onto which I painted my pain, my regret, and my desire for power over both.

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