Chapter 6

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"Are you sure you're ready to see this", Nate asks with one hand on the door. With the longest spiral staircase I've ever walked on behind us, I knew I wasn't going to walk back up without satisfying my curiosity.

"Open it", I say.

"Okay, but there's no going back", he says as he pushed the door open. A bright light flashed through the door and for a second I couldn't see anything but then the image became clear. I hear Nate already cracking up in the background as more and more was revealed.

"You've got to be freakin' kidding me", I say turning back making my way back up.

"What you don't like it", Nate says in between his chuckles.

"You could've just told me what was down there and thanks to that humorous brain of yours, the soles of my feet hurt."

"Well at least you know where your clean clothes come from", he teases as we make our way out of the staircase.

"Shut up."

"To be honest, I was going to show you through the main entrance which is at the front of the building but the gleam on your eyes was too cute to resist. You looked like a kid in a candy shop."

"Okay enough with the teasing."

"Like all your innocence and child-like wonder just left in that instant", he says snapping his fingers.

"I'm starting to prefer Andrew over you", I says as I kept my pace ahead of his.

"Don't be a such a baby", he teases pulling a strand of my hair.

"Says the guy who just pulled my hair. So is this the part where you confess that you like me and propose with a ring pop. Preferably watermelon."

"Only of it's under the monkey bars and we can live in the cheese castle."

"Deal. Now how about you take me back to the dorms because apparently balancing a book on my head is a must."

"So they gave you freshmen assignments."

"Yes sir."

"Alright then, lets get a move on." He extends his arm out and I gladly take it. He begins to lead the way as I begin our conversation. The whole way there our conversation never seemed to bore me. It was random and funny. We would jump from super heroes to fruit to music and everything in between. There was even a topic on corny jokes that was won by yours truly. But the strange thing is that neither of us tried anything.

We were just two friends and that's exactly what I needed and felt. I am I no mood or rush for a relationship. Especially now as a princess, any sign of a budding romance and Lionel would immediately set up a date for the wedding. If it fit in, I'd probably marry on the same day as my mother. 

Our hands had long ago separated since we needed them to throw small berries at each other. After that we spent the rest of the walk picking berries out of my hair. To think all that time spent curling it was for nothing. When we got to our dorms we just said goodbye and went in.

"O-M-G", Judy yells as soon as she saw me walk into the room.

"So is there a reason you sound like a twelve year old at a the mall."

"Well a little birdy or two told me that they saw you and Nate holding hands."

"Oh yeah supper romantic. He even brought our hands to scratch his nose. He even wiped his slimy buggers on my hand. It's totally meant to be."

"Oh haha very funny. I'm guessing Nate thinks your sarcasm is hot."

"Actually he thinks it's weak and his is better."

"So what I'm getting is that you two were holding hands."

"Yes, but it was like when you held your sister's hand to cross the street. Strictly platonic", I state as I sit down on my bed.

"Well another little buddy also told me that Andrew is crazy jealous and we'll most likely here a fight in a couple of seconds." In the short time that I've come to know Judy, I notice that she's always right and I hate it. As soon as the words leave her mouth we hear shouting and a giant thud. Pretty soon the two were out in the hallway rolling around getting a good punch or two. Judy and I jump up and into the hallway to cease the fight. But then again the guys are like twice our size. My urban training kicks in and I find myself in between the two, I even take a couple blows. The same could be said for the guys since I was able knee one in the gut then the other.

I don't know when Stacy or the press get there, but it was probably around the same time I was in between the fight. Mostly because I hear Stacy run up to me, pull me away and drag me into the my room.

"Are you crazy", she hisses in a whisper.

"What was I supposed to do? Let them dish it out?"

"Yes. You forget that you're a princess and as a princess you don't throw down with two teenage boys", she scolds.

"If I hadn't jumped in, they'd still be fighting and that would just give the press more to talk about."

"And now they have proof of a love triangle."

"There's isn't even a relationship here, how in the hell did they discover a love triangle."

"Well thanks to perfect timing on their part, they have pictures of you with Prince Andrew at the tour and one of you with Sir Nathaniel", she says handing me samples of the pictures. The one with Andrew and I, was taken when I confronted him about my title. Though at the time I was clearly infuriated by him, the picture tells another story. We look as if we're entranced and infatuated by each other. I rolls my eyes and wondered how I didn't see that stupid paparazzi. I glance over at the one with Nate and I. Now that one shows true emotions. We're just sitting on the steps, when he was there to cheer me up. We're both smiling and even I'm a little convinced after seeing that picture.

Maybe if I ask nicely I can keep the picture of Nate and I.

"So what am I supposed to do about this?"

"Well for starters, you have to make the public believe that this picture is the real one and that this one was taken out of context", she says pointing at Andrew's then Nate's.

"Yeah not gonna happen. I loath Andrew."

"According to this picture you love him."

"Stacy can't you get rid of both these pics. I don't want to have to fake relationships, I just want to be myself. I get that this comes with the title but there's has to he some way where faking it isn't always the option." I look as her desperately begging for a response. She's quite for a while and that just convinces me that there is no other way. My hope begins to die and my eyes begin to flood. She closes her eyes and sighs, then opens them once again.

"I'll see what I can do", she says as she dials numbers on her phone. I mouth "thank you" to her and she gives me a warm smile, then steps out. I cover my eyes and lie down. I need a moment to take this all in.


Hey guys. I'm hope you enjoyed this chapter. This chapter has been edited, so hopefully I did not miss any mistakes. This book is supposed to be present tense but my mind sometimes switches to past tense so forgive me for any passed tense mistakes. Sorry for the super late update, I got a job so my hours are now sucky and I have barely anytime ofr homework let laone writing.

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