"I hear your voice. Where have you been? I've been waiting for you for so long. I was there all alone, the only one, and I was thinking about you. I was waiting for you at sunset. My memories bury you as something important. And I cannot handle myself. I think of you. My love for you is eternal ... O great wonderful world, what are you doing! You sat down and cried. His tears were without a drop of despair, they were full of love, they were full of those whom he loved so much. ".
You woke up because he had a strange dream.The clock was 3 am.- Who do I think so? Who is this man? And why am I waiting for him. So many thoughts.You were immersed in the thought that you are once again meeting this terrible world, with a cruel, evil world.
Dua Lipa - last dance
The teacher says the topic of the lesson and begins to explain the material that you have known for a long time. You decided to write to your friends. "Nothing changes," you wrote in a general conversation and put the phone aside.
- And why am I writing to them ...
Are you wondering why you write to them? After all, they consider you boring and uninteresting, although they did not say so. But together you are doing a project, the prize for which is studying at the best school in New York. When you think, your eyes become so beautiful, like the cosmos, that they are full of bright stars and galaxies that give birth to life. The world is going on there.
You think why you cannot create your own world in which everything will be fine, in which there is no evil, no stereotypes and anger.
"Y/N, what were we talking about now?" Asked Miss Blanchett.
"About inert number systems," you said.
Miss Blanchett looked at you for another 5 seconds and continued to speak. At this time, a piece of paper flew to you from the nastiest person in the class.There it was written "Chisel" and a not very pleasant drawing was drawn. You put it in your briefcase knowing what you would do with it."Everything will be fine, everything will be fine," you said to yourself for a long time.
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