A Monks Godhood Ch.1

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{This is my first story, I'm sorry if it's whacky. Please give me some pointers! I will try to get things as accurate as possible and yes I know Buddhism is a non-theistic religion but let's just put that aside for this story)

This is the story of A young monk and his ascension to Godhood. His father Alan was a deserter of the Kun-Lun Sect a sect that follows the teaching of Buddhism, And alan craved knowledge, Knowledge that couldn't be found within the walls of Kun-Lun.

So he went into the modern world. Searching and wandering around the world until one day Alan Fell in love, causing the birth of the character of our Story. His name was Samuel Magga. Although Alan was a deserter he still greatly respected Buddha's teachings. (*Magga is one of the four noble truths of Buddhism. It is known as The path to salvation.) Ever since Alan had left his sect he was met with joy, love, happiness, and suffering. The biggest one of them all being suffering. After his only love was cruelly taken away from him in a hit and run. Alan fell Into despair and He truly recognized the cruelty of this world. He wanted his son to grow up in the safest place he knew of.. The Kun-Lun Sect. Before Samuel had been admitted into the sect he was a young and intelligent 4-year-old, Already seeking knowledge through books and breaking high above all expectations placed on him. His father wanted his son to live a happy and safe life so he returned to Kun-Lun and pleaded for Samuel to be taken in as a young monk to learn the way of Buddhism. Although Samuel was granted a safe place in the sect his father was not, Due to his past of being a deserter. Although reluctant he said his goodbyes to his son for one last time. Samuel was confused as to what was going on but he just wanted his father to praise him so he tried not to cry in hope of once seeing him again. 

*This is a rough draft. The story will be improved more and more over time.*

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