A Monks Godhood Ch.2

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Samuel Magga at the age of 7 had truly adjusted and become a member of the Kun-Lun sect. He was a hardworking and clever boy, Quickly becoming one of the top young disciples of his generation. Being Unparraeled in all subjects.All monks of the sect are trained in Literature and Martial Arts at a young age. Although Samuel was more frail compared to the other young monks of the sect, he made up for it with his hard work and determination.The other young monks looked upon him favorably. Samuel was always humble and friendly towards others, even if he was accidentally injured during a spar. He was known as a true genius and over the many, many years he became a leading figure in the sect. Always following the teachings of Buddhism and leading the younger generation to enlightenment.Due to his almost supernaturally healthy body, he aged slowly and earned the nickname "The baby-faced great grandfather" He happily took the silly nickname. His whole life Samuel has been seeking knowledge and enlightenment, Even though his body had started breaking down at the very old age of 79 he never stopped his search for knowledge. At the age of 86, Surrounded by his disciples and fellow brothers and sister they gather around him on his death bed, Saying a prayer to Buddha for their dear friend and elder to pass on to nirvana peacefully.With one last breath and a smile, one word comes out of his mouth "Amitabha".Samuel fades into darkness for what feels like years. His eyelids feeling as heavy as the 100-pound bracers he wore on all of his limbs combined. Ever since young, Samuel has had an extremely high intellect with an IQ of over 190. Ever sinceSamuel had closed his eyes he had not once stopped counting every single second he was in this darkness. His mind started to doubt and question his existence. He swore to the heavens and questioned if he was actually dragged into hell by some higher being he could not comprehend.For the first time in his existence, Samuel felt pure hatred and malice towards the world and all of creation. His might was constantly in turmoil but he always had one thought in his mind "I will arise! No matter how long I have to spend in this forsaken place I will not fall!"In one moment around 96738290127 seconds or 3,067 years after his eyes closed something had changed for Samuel, His eyelids started feeling lighter like he just might have the smallest chance for them to open. He tried and tried constantly to open them, Feeling them getting even lighter and lighter. With great might and a strong will Samuel finally 3246 years after his death opened his eyes for the very first time.

(This is a rough draft. I will add and fix more over time)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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