A promise

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Brigid pov
Here I was crying. All by myself. Jordan was gone and I was all alone. It was too quiet. I'm so sad. I found a blade and smiled. I ran it over my arm seeing the blood running down. "Hello friend" I said. I giggled.

I cleaned up putting the blade in my back pocket. "I'm home" Jordan called. We're still in the town as Danny and his family. "Hi" I said. He kissed me. "What's up" he asked. "Nothing" I said. He gave me a nod.

I was super drained. I cut for the last time tonight. I made sure I left no dry blood behind me. I cried that night while Jordan slept so peacefully. I was thinking about that night. Why did I stay with him? I could live normally. Truth be told I got abused at home.

"Morning" Jordan said. I waved and closed my eyes. Thinking about last night and what happened. I started to tear up. "Don't cry" Jordan whispered. I nodded wiping away tears. "Wanna see Danny"? I nodded.

~Danny house~
"Ey Brigid and Jordan" Danny said. "Why are you so cheery this morning" I asked. "No reason" he said with his british accent. I nodded and looked towards an sad looking Jordan.

I ran to the bathroom and found a razor. I craved the word ugly on my leg. Two cuts on my arm. I heard a knock. Danny came in shocked. "You-you do this. I nodded holding back tears. He cleaned them up.

"Stop doing this". I nodded. "I won't tell if you promise to stop" he said. I promised him. "Everything good" Jordan asked. We nodded. We watched a movie. We were crashing at Danny house. I cut one more time breaking the promise. But this time I cut to deep. The last thing I heard was Danny's voice yelling.

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