-Leaf Ninja-

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"Ayano come on I hate having to wait." I sighed looking at Sasori with annoyed eyes.

"I'm leader on this mission just shut your trap." I spat. He gave a growl but still shut up. Pein put me on a mission to get a scroll from the land of waves which it so far. Sasori looks at me every now and then but I choose to ignore him even as my partner he's fucking annoying.

"If it was just me on this mission we would of been done ages ago." Sasori said glaring at me.

I stomp my foot in front of Sasori making him jump back. "Shut up!" I yell cracking the ground where I stomped. Ignoring his grunting and mumbling I conutine to walk on ahead.

"Believe it!" I jump up startled.

"Sasori did you hear that?" I asked looking at him. He points. I turn around to see big green gates I space before I sweatdrop."D-did I pass the land of waves?" I questioned laying on the ground.

"Yes, we passed it a few days ago." He said walking away from the gates. I look at him before turning to the gates curiously.

"You go on ahead I wanna see who said that." I could tell he was annoyed but he just went on ahead. Making had signs. "Secret style: invisibility jutsu." I say jumping over gates. I look right then left I freeze seeing two man asleep which I walked up to "Talk about sleeping on the job." I grin pulling a bucket of water that seemed to be right there. Grabbing it I throw it at them.

"W-wah?" They both said jumping up. I ran away before they could sense me. I kept running till I saw a yellow haired boy on a pole?

"NARUTO?!" I turn to see a pick haired girl smiling widely at the boy. "Your back!" She smiled while he jumped down.

"Believe it!" He yelled. So he was the one who yelled it talk about over volume. I was about to walk away till I saw a giant white dog in front of me. "Is that you Akamaru?" Naruto said touching the dogs head but the dog known as Akamaru just stared and growled in my direction. "What is it boy?" The dog started walking in my direction.

I grunted. "Stupid mutt." I whispered before he hurled at me. We tussled it'll we were at the gates, that moment I noticed that my invisible justu was off.

"Ayano?!" He barked jumping off of me. "Is it really you?" That moment I ran. Shit this sucks I don't see how I'm able to understand that dog plus how the hell did he know me? That's creepy! I must of been stalked.

I appeared soon next to Sasori. "Hey man. This dog was barking my name. At the leaf village, to say the truth this random yellowed haired boy looked familiar." I gasped as I was pulled from my talking.

"It was just you." Sasori said grabbing my hand. Hmm I don't believe him. I find somethings wrong, my heart keeps telling me to go back. "Ayano. We're your family now." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Haven't you guys always been my family? In a way I want to go back." I said before Sasori threw me in his arms. "No! Let go beast!" I wiggled but he kept carrying me. Sigh.

"Just be quiet and rest." He said gripping tighter around me. "You would of been caught by the Anbu anyway." I stiffened.

I started wiggling hard core, fuming at him. "Why you son of a bitch! I'll have you know-"

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