#1- Don't Go

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Harry- "No daddy!, don’t go!", your two year old daughter Elle yelled from the kitchen. Harry was getting ready to leave for a few weeks and she was not having it. She jumped out of her seat at the kitchen table and ran to him as fast as she could, "Aww love, I know you don’t want me to leave but I have to." She gave him the cutest puppy dog eyes that you knew he couldn’t resist. "Elle, please don’t give me that look! I’ll only be gone for 2 weeks, it’ll go by fast. I promise." You giggled at how she had Harry wrapped around her little fingers, it reminded you of yourself. " Come on sweetie", you said as you started walking towards them, "daddy has to go or he’ll miss his plane." He flashed you a smile and mouthed ‘thanks’. "I’ll call you as soon as I land and every chance I get." he reassured her, she gave him a pout. "Ok daddy. I’ll miss you." Harry chuckled, "I’ll miss you too kitten." He have Elle a big hug and a kiss, "I’ll call as soon as I can." he told you. " She’ll be waiting; I love you, be safe" you said as he hugged you, "I love you more babe and I will be." After you and Harry exchanged a hug and a kiss, he picked up his bags and put them into the back seat of his car. You and Elle watched from your front door and with one last wave he drove off. "Don’t worry hun, daddy will call soon. Ok?", "Ok mommy". The two of you went back into the kitchen and finished making the cupcake batter and before you knew it Elle was cheery and happy once again.

Niall- It was a Sunday morning, Niall just returned from an eight month tour last night and he was exhausted. You started moving around causing the bright sunlight to meet your eyes; your groaned and looked at the clock on the night stand next to your bed. 10:35 it read, even though you didn’t want to you sat up and got out of bed. You were about to walk towards the bathroom when you felt a hand grab onto your hand. “Don’t go, come back to bed” he said in a sleepy tone, his eyes were still shut and his hair was all over the place. ” I’ve been gone for eight months, I’m not letting you out of my sight.” You laughed at how bad he’d missed; you felt the exact same way so you turned on your heels and got back into bed, he grabbed your waist and pulled you into his chest. You nuzzled your face into his neck, “I love you” you said in a whisper. “I love you too beautiful” he said and kissed your forehead.

Liam- "That’s it! I’m done!" you yelled. It’s two in the morning and you and Liam were fighting…again. He promised that he’d be home in time for dinner but he walked in six hours late. "(Y/N), I’m sorry ok! I was out with the lads and lost track of time. Honest!" You didn’t care about any excuse he had, you guys had been planning a night alone for weeks since Liam’s been so busy. " Liam, we’ve been talking about tonight for WEEKS! There’s no excuse. I’m sick of you always blowing me off for the guys. I think we need some time apart, you can focus on the album and I’ll focus on work." He was hurt, "…time apart? We don’t need time apart we need each other! We’ll both take the rest of this week off and spend every waking second together. Just please…don’t go." You saw in his eyes that he was being sincere but you couldn’t give in again, not this time. "I took last week off and two weeks before that, I can’t." You felt guilty but you weren’t backing down, you packed your clothes and got your car keys. "Are you gonna come back?", he asked with tears running down his face. "I don’t know, we’ll talk in a few days." He told you that he loved you before you left, although you kept second guessing yourself, you knew that this is what you needed. He needed to miss you.

Zayn- You and Zayn hadn’t spent a day all alone in a while so you both promised that today was going to be just the two of you. “Babe, pass me the eggs.”, you guys were making cupcakes for Niall’s birthday tomorrow and you were a little too excited. “Here you go.” he handed you the carton along with a kiss on the cheek that made you blush, after you mixed all the ingredients together and got the pans in the oven his phone rang. “It’s Paul.”, you immediately knew it was about work and you smile went into a pout. He walked into the living room to answer his phone and after 15 minutes he came back, you saw the annoyed look on his face. “Uh-oh, what’s wrong?” He hesitated to tell you at first, “I have to go, they need me to record my part of a song…”, you were furious. They knew that you and Zayn didn’t want to be disturbed today, “SERIOUSLY?!,” you yelled but calmed down, “Don’t go, please! We’ve been planning today for months Zayn!”. He walked over to you, hearing the frustration in your voice. “I know baby, I know. It’ll only take a few hours I promise, and once I get back I’ll make us a nice dinner and make it up to you all night.”, he gave you wink forcing you to smile. He gave you a quick kiss, grabbed his keys and jacket and left. Your frustration went away once you started thinking about how he’d make it up to you ;)

Louis- "Babe?……baby?…..(Y/N)?" Louis called for you as he walked through the door, he stopped when he got to the living room. There you were, cheeks stained with tears, eyes red and your bags at your feet. "W-what’s going on?.." His voice started to crack, you didn’t say a word, you went up to your house phone and pressed the play button for the messages. "Hey baby, it’s Sarah.", his eyes went wide, "I had such an amazing time last night, I could hardly walk this morning. Mmmmm, you were absolutely amazing baby. I cant wait for tomorrow Lou, call me." The message ended but neither of you moved, you broke the silence. "I have nothing to say to you. I’m leaving and it’s over." You took of the diamond engagement ring that he’d given to you just 3 months ago, and tossed it on the coffee table. "(Y/N), please. I’m sorry…..", you refused to listen and walked towards the door with your bags on tow. "Please don’t go, don’t leave me. I love you, it was a mistake." Tears started to fall, from the both of you. He started to walk to over to you but stopped once he saw how hurt you were. "I love you (Y/N).", you looked at him and wished you could say it back….but you just couldn’t. "I need to go." And just like that you were gone, he fell to his knees once he heard you car leave from the garage you shared. His entire world came crashing down…and it was all his fault.

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