#6-You break up

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Harry: The car ride home was completely silent. You were staring out your window, refusing to look at him. Tonight was the worst night of your life..to say the least.

He'd been on a month long break but didn't spend it with you. He would always leave early in the moring, and come back home late at night. You had no clue why he has being so distant....but you never said anything. Tears started falling as you watched the blurry trees go by; you never thought that you and harry would break up, he had promised you forever.

Finally, the car pulled up infront of the house you shared. He bought it for you after he proposed 1 year ago.....things were so much better then. You were pulled from your thoughts when he finally spoke.

"This isn't what I wanted to happen..." he said, his words caught on his own tears.

"Well, it's what you got." you spit back as you go out of the car. You refused to look at him, to feel sorry. But you still loved him; you always would.

You reached the the door and unlocked it, letting yourself in. Harry was still sitting in the car, his head resting against the steering wheel as you closed the door and went straight up to you guys' bedroom; collapsing onto the bed, finally letting the tears fall free.

* * *

The next morning you woke up tucked under the covers with one of Harry's shirts on. You looked around for him but he wasnt there, so you pulled yourself out of bed and went downstairs. There he was, cuddled up on the couch still in his clothes from last night. You could see his puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks and your heart broke. You hated seeing him cry and knowing that it was over you made it worse. He stirred around and opened his eyes, letting them adjust to the light when he sat up.

After he stretched and began walking towards the stairs he stopped once he saw you.

"You didn't have to sleep on the couch." you said and slowly made your way down the steps, getting closer to him with each one.

"I know but I wanted to give you some space"

He took your left hand and rubbed his thumb over the diamond ring, and smiled. Going back to the night he asked you. Remembering how nervous he was......and how beautiful you looked.

"I know that I've been distant and i'm sorry. I've just been so stressed with the tour and the new album, I didn't want to bring that around you since you've been stressing yourself with the wedding." he paused for a moment but continued, "I love you so much (Y/N) and last night shouldn't have happened. We've gone through too much together to just end things over a little argument."

You felt tears about to fall but blinked them away.

"I don't want to lose you. I promised you forever and I'll never break that promise." he continued. "Please forgive me."

You nodded your head without question and he pulled you into a hug. Kissing your forhead and sobbing into your neck.

"I love you so much Harry.", you whispered into his ear. His emerald eyes looked up into yours and he flashed you that smile that made your knees goes weak.

Your lips locked with his and your hands tangled into his hair. He picked you up and your legs wrapped around his waist. You were carried into the bedroom with your lips not breaking apart once. He kicked the door closed with his foot and you two fell onto the bed.

 Let's just say that you two spent the rest of the day making up for lost time ;)

Niall: "GET OUT!" you screamed for the second time but he didn't budge.

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