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   I avoided Tristan, at all cost, for the past week. Whenever I saw him in the hallway, I ran away. Whenever I smelt his scent nearby, I busied myself with flirting with other boys. Sure, it put a big hole in my heart, thinking of what could be happening to my mate while watching this, but I needed to avoid him. I so badly wanted to tell Ava, but she was too busy with flirting with Ryder. It wasn't until our lunch period, I could drag Ava to the side. We had lunch for thirty minutes, so we had time.

  "We have a problem." I sighed, leaning against one of the royal blue lockers. "Well, I have a problem."

   "What's this problem?" Ava furrowed her eyes together and blue eyes shown with confusion.

   "So, you know Tristan Pierce?" I started, awkwardly. Of course, she knew who he was. Ava was my best friend and knew my hatred of the guy.

   "Yes. Kind of, but kind of not an outcast. Your Beta's son.You hate him with all your heart and then some." Ava tilted her head, now escpecially confused.

    "The thing is.... How can I explain this to you?" I tried to come up with words to break the news easily to her. It was going to be a shock to her, just like it had to me. "You know how I talked about the mate thing? And how you would know who your mate is after a few days of just turning eighteen. Guess who's birthday was few days ago? Tristan James Pierce. And who's his mate, exactly? Me."

   I was expecting some consoling and Ava would bring me into a big hug, whispering supportive words in my ears. Yea, that didn't happen. She practically jumped out of her shoes and cheered loudly. Sometimes, I wish she hadn't be a cheerleader when she was younger. Thank goodness, we were the only people in the hallway because this would make us a big specactle out of us. Ava Michaelson acting like a cheerleader while Kenna Edward standing awkwardly right beside her.

  "Really?! Oh my God, you finally found your mate!" Ava flung her arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug. "Now that I think about it, you two will make an adorable couple."

  I push Ava away, lightly, with my jaw dropped. Tristan and I will never make an adorable couple. He was too much of an outcast while I was surrounded with people. Plus he was the one who left me that night. I will not and can not be in a relationship with someone who I despise so much. Not only was it not reasonable, but he was the cause of Kylie's destruction, also. If it wasn't for him leaving me, Kylie would still be the perfect person she was and actually be alive.

   "You've got to be shitting me." I whispered. I looked calm, but Ava saw how my words were wrapped in a bitter tone and what was happening in my mind. Her eyes widened when she remembered what happened to Kylie and that Tristan was the one who caused.

   "You can't keep blaming him on that, Kenna." Ava crossed her arms in front of her chest, her blue eyes narrowed with a spark of anger pointed at me. "He didn't even know what we were doing. He tried to save her."

  I scoffed. Save my ass. Tristan was sitting beside Kylie when she suggested the idea, so he must've heard her. I gave a click of my tongue to Ava before turning around and leaving her alone in the deserted hallway.


(Kind of sexual scene in this, but it isn't that bad.)

  "So, how are you liking this combining packs idea?" Ryder asked me while I was nose deep in our history book, trying to actually contribute to our group project. 

   There was advantages and disadvantage of this group project. I could have some special time with Ryder since we barely see each other, anymore. We both were smart enough to know about our project's topic and we could pull it out of our heads, easily. The disadvantage of this group project was the person sitting on my left with his hand on my thigh. Of course, I had try to shake his hand off, but he just gripped tighter. That made a permanent scowl on my face directed to him.

   I could smell the woods on him, which made my wolf even more perkier. His fingertaps, gently, scraped my thigh, resulting in me to hold in a moan. I pursed my lips together and tensed up, causing Tristan to chuckle a bit. Ryder looked at Tristan then me, sending a wink to me. Thankfully, Tristan didn't see that wink or he would've ripped Ryder's head off. Tristan's hand climbed it's own way to my upper thigh. I gulped down, ready to answer Ryder's question.

   "I don't think we need the extra help, actually, but they did loose their Luna. You know Lunas are important to their pack, so I feel bad for them. I'm tore between denying and accepting their request." I shrugged, still trying to get more information about Harry Truman.

  "No offence to the Alpha, but I think he's a dumbshit." Tristan voices his opinion, his finger tracing circles on my upper thigh. Unnoticeably, I put down the big history book and look at Tristan, wanting to hear what he has to say. "He knows that a Luna is valuable to a pack, so why reject her? So, what if she isn't the girl who he was expected. There's no logical explanation to reject the Luna. Watch her be a little shy girl and he wants a powerhouse mate."

  "You do have a point." Ryder nods his head, a few of brown strands of hair getting in his eyesight. "Do you think they have a past? When he was talking about the whole ordeal, he kept on saying was and were."

   I looked down at my lap, which Tristan still had his hand on my thigh. If the Alpha and Luna did have a past, they would have a similar sitatution as Tristan and me. I don't think I would reject Tristan as my mate, but I don't think I'll love him like mates do. Maybe, big emphasis on maybe, I will start to like Tristan again, but that will not turn into love. I won't have the love my parents share with him, he tore that away a long time ago.

   "I don't think the past should affect the relationship." He scratched, lightly, before retreating his hand from my thigh. I didn't know that desire was pooling through my pit of my stomach until his warm hand left. I didn't know what took over me, but I grabbed Tristan's hand and put back on my thigh. I didn't look at him, rather Ryder, who was raising an eyebrow at us. I could feel Tristan's burning gaze on my profile. "The past is in the past and they should get over it. People make mistakes, and he should respect that. I think they will eventually fall in love and the Alpha will take the Luna back, but you never know. I just think that you should take care of your mate, than push them away."

Picture of Ryder to the side and if you're on mobile, it's above on the first page


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