Chapter 2

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I smiled and attacked him quickly

I threw a punch but he avoided it

I was shocked when I tried to hit him again but I couldn't hit him

"Please, just let me use your computer" I talk as I throw a punch

"I'm sorry but it's forbidden" he said to me still avoiding my blows

It was as if we were dancing all night and Sebastian was the spectator

He was just watching and enjoying the fight the two of us had or I was the only one really fighting this person

"This is the last, Then I'll do that really"

I ran closer to him and jumped on his head and spun around after I spun around I threw him hard.

There he fainted and I saw on his forehead as if there was a broken cable there

But I just ignored that and came out of their Medbay followed by Sebastian who just smiled

"CISCO !!! I told you, we really need to handcuff them" The red-headed woman said

"Uhhh? Wait alex!!! We are trying to locate their Earth" One man  shouted i think he is Cisco

She grunted and look at me, I smirked "Wanna Dance?"

She look shocked but then she shook her head "You're lucky, You look like her"

"Is that a no?" I teased

"No, I just said behind you" She smirked as i looked behind me just to see Sebastian unconscious

The next thing i knew is blackness...



Alex greeted her teeth. she knew it .

She knew that this doppelganger has mental problem.

But know she knows that she is in cuffs her worries wear off

"I'm really sorry, Alex i just left for 2 mi---"

"Stop saying Sorry Cisco, I am so disappointed" Alex said shutting him off

Cisco sighed, He knew it was his fault, He knew that.

"J-just call Iris here, We need her now here" Alex suddenly said with a tiny smile

"Yes, Ma'am" Cisco now know why Winn Schott is afraid with her

She is all about Kara right now.

As Cisco left the room Sebastian groaned shaking his head "I just literally just saw a blue person with inhabitors" He said weakly

"Well, You just literally encountered Brainy" Alex said looking at him in such a weird way possible

"Everything here is just so weird, Doppelgangers, Multiverse theory, Superman and batman is real." He winced when he sat down.

"And the room is side ways. i never should've done Drinking" he sighed

"Being unconscious is not so great for me, The worst is i am stuck with this jerk" A voice said that gave them a heart attack

"We should have dance, Ugghhh...Is my Doppelganger your girlfriend?" Alex cringed so fast looking at her in digust

"My sister, You're disgusting" alex said still cringing

"Hahaha! I am not always like this red, Wanna talk about this jerk who is drunk before this happen? Do you like some scotch? I owned a bar? Oh! I forgot we are literally at the whole different Earth" She said looking blankly at the cuffs in her left hand "No scotch, Noted"

"You're so different to my sister"

"Well, I am her Doppelganger"

"So you like scotch?" Alex smirked

"Scotch have always been my buddy for the last 5 years"

"Tell me about your mother, Her name, Her face"

Marley face lit up, Looking for the sign then she grinned

"Millie Rose, she has a brunette hair like me, Blue eyes the difference between us is that she is a big person" Marley said

Alex showed a picture, It is a picture of her and her Mom. It was in her wallet she just nodded

"Brainy, Search for her" alex gave him the picture as He search for them

Marley is going to yawn when she accidentally broke the cuffs "ooppsss...Sorry" She said

She yawn but then realized what has happened

"What the fuck?"

✓STUCK •|Book Two|•✓(Editing In Process)Where stories live. Discover now