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Dear Rusty

How are things going in the US ?.

I'm sorry that I told on you . Your Uncle came by and he found out that you weren't here and I was so very much worried about you .

He wasn't happy at first and I don't think Dumbledore is either .

Anyway , I might be going over to the Weasleys for the last part of the Summer .

Mum and Dad are going on a trip to the Amazons then . Lucky them,right?.

I would've loved to see the witches and wizards there .

They're going strictly to help with dental care for those who needs it .

Ron wrote and told me that Mrs. Weasley had flipped when she heard that you've run away for the Summer.

She'd thought that you'd be going to stay with them as well . She'd wanted Dumbledore to go and get you ,but Dumbledore said that you were alright over there .

I miss you . I really do. I am happy that I have helped you ,but maybe if I've tried harder ,Mum and Dad would've let me go with you .

It's absolutely boring here . Not even my books can help provide me some entertainment .

Harry wrote as well . He isn't happy ,Rusty.

He's still in mourning for Padfoot . I wish I could do something to help him .

How are you feeling now that you got the chance to get away and clear your mind ?.

I know you're still sad ,but you know Padfoot wouldn't have wanted you to cry too much over him . He'd want you to go on living your life to the fullest.

Rusty , I wish there was more I could do to help both you and Harry .

Oh and Ginny's dating Dean Thomas now . I think she's trying to move on from just moping around and waiting for Harry to notice her . Poor girl.
I wish I could just knock some sense into the boy . She's going to slip through his fingers and he'll be too late to catch her one of these days.

Anyway , enough about Harry .

Everyone's been asking about you . I gave them the address so they could write you and find out how you are by themselves . Even Neville asked about you and so did Colin .

They'll probably write to you too . Especially Ron and Harry .

There'll be guards at Hogwarts this year. Tonks told me so . Not Dementors ,but Aurors . I bet they'll be watching out for You Know Who .
It's just logical .

I don't think You Know Who is going to go to Hogwarts ,though, but that's just my opinion .

These are indeed troubled times ,Rusty . I don't want to think about what will happen further in this whole situation .

There's something bad coming. We all know it . I think you do too .

Anyway, I got a few new books . I'll lend them to you when we get back to Hogwarts . I think you'll love some of them . Especially the one about Thunderbirds .

They're most commonly found in America . In Arizona to be exact .

Did you know one of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Massachusetts has a house named after it?. Neat ,huh?.

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