× ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 19 ×

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Jimin turned to look at her

Jimin : J-Jessi ?? what are you doing here ??? shooked face

Jessi : what ? you don't like it if I come here baby ??

" baby ? who is she ??? " you speak in heart and just keep silent

Jimin : Jessi i ask you what are you doing here ??

Jessi : come on baby, I'm a new student here

Jimin : wait what ?!

Jimin pulls Jessi hand and they go to classroom. You detect to ask his gang who is Jessi

Y/n : hye guys who is she ??

Jin : she is Jimin e-

Tae cut Jin words

Tae : continue eat so we can go to classroom

Y/n : but, hurmm nevermind

You guys continue eats after that go back to classroom. You are looking for Jimin but you didn't find him, so you go to Tae class

Y/n : hye Tae !

Tae : Y/n ? you should go to class right now

Y/n : yaa I know that but, did you see Jimin ??

Tae : Jimin still not come ?

Y/n : yeah I'm looking for him but I didn't see him

Tae : maybe he go to somewhere or washroom

Y/n : hurmm is everything okay ??

Tae : don't worry to much okay just go back to your class and maybe you will see him

Y/n : okay. By the way thank you Tae !

Tae : yeah sure !

While you were about to go to class, you saw Jimin and Jessi holding hands

Y/n : is that Jimin and Jessi ?? but what did they do there ?? I should back to class now before the teacher enters

You are heading to class quickly

Dyzie : Y/n ! where did you go ??

Y/n : no-nothing

Sara : hye, are you okay ?? what happend ??

Y/n : I'm okay don't worry

Lesly : no you're not, your face looks pale

Y/n : pale ??

You go to your desk and just in your head now

" why Jimin holding her hand ?? Who she really is ? Is Jessi his girlfriend ? Oh my gosh Y/n stop overthinking okay ! Maybe they are just friend huh "

Then Jimin enters the classroom and sit next to you. When you see him enters you just silent

Jimin : hye baby touch your shoulder

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