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The news about the smell in Navigation also spread quickly. 

"So Stoner, how did you find out about the smell in Navigation?" Sheriff asked.

"Well, last night I realized I forgot to Chart Course. When I was done, it smelled horrible." Stoner replied.

"I see. Well, we should close those doors. The smell can't get anywhere on the ship, my poor babies would be miserable." Mother said.

"So would the rest of us." Veteran told her.

"What does it smell like, Stoner?" Engineer asked.

"Kind of like rotten eggs, spoiled milk, Poop, and Greaser's hair gel all together." Stoner said.

"I haven't heard of anything that smells like that. Let me check my books in my room to make sure." Engineer said.

Engineer looked through a book of smells in his room.

The vent shook a bit.

"Aha! There is something that smells like that! Oh no, this may be horrible! I have to tell the others." Engineer said to himself. 

The vent opened.

"Oh, no! It's the-" Engineer started. 

Gnome was walking to the boy's bedroom to check on Engineer. She heard him scream.

"Engineer? You okay?" Gnome asked.

She walked in the room. Engineer was nowhere to be seen.

Gnome checked around and then went to the cafeteria.

"Engineer is gone, too!" She told the rest of the crew.

Now everybody started to freak out. 

"Everyone, calm down!" TheGentleman said.

Everyone calmed down.

"Captain cannot be here to lead us, so I nominate myself as his replacement." TheGentleman told the crew.

"Why you? Why not me?" Bro asked.

"Well, he is pretty good at leading." Player said.

"Shut up, kiddo." Bro told Player.

"Hey!" Player shouted in response.

"Anyway, everyone should not go on their own, and must be accompanied by a partner if you wish to leave the cafeteria." TheGentleman informed the crew.

"Yeah, but how are we supposed to find out what's going on?" Bday asked.

"Some of us could investigate Navigation, that's where Stoner first found the smell." Blue said.

"Good idea. How about... Me, Mr egg, and Mr cheese go." TheGentleman said.

"Okay sir." Mr egg and Mr cheese both said together. They stared at each other.

The three went to Navigation. Once they got there, they smelled that horrible smell again.

"Bleck, it's awful. It smells like Mr egg." Mr cheese said.

"No, it actually smells like YOU Mr cheese." Mr egg told him.

The two started arguing. TheGentleman regretted his decision. Something started to come out of the vent.

"Ahem." TheGentleman coughed.

Mr cheese and Mr egg continued arguing.

TheGentleman tried to get their attention.

They still argued.

"AHEM." TheGentleman coughed again.

"What!?" Mr egg and Mr cheese asked.

TheGentleman pointed above them. The thing came out of the vent. All three just stared at it, until it attacked.

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