⭐️Chapter 26: Aunt Mito💧

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(Thank you @amer_rema1 for the art, Its is amazing ^-^) (Sorry I forgot your quotev username so can you send me a message so I can add it))

As they reached whale Island, Gon ran towards the house, leaving Killua and Y/n behind. Y/n was holding Killua's hand as she was going with him towards the house.

"Aunt Mito!" They could hear Gon yelling as they reached the top, to find Gon and Mito hugging each other, considering they haven't seen each other in a long time.

"And you must be Killua and Y/n" Killua seemed surprised at Aunt Mito knowing who he was, while Y/n just smiled at the older lady.


"Sheesh." Mito sighed as she looked at the 3 children who were all stilling and enjoying a cup of tea along with Gon's grandmother. "You should have let me know you were coming home. I didn't have any time to prepare something!" She was cleaning the house while taking to the group.

"It's not a big deal, anything is fine." Gon said as he sat down, in between Killua and Y/n.

"What are you saying!? Your friends came all the way out to visit."

"No it's really fine." Killua said, reassuring the female, Y/n nodded as well, agreeing with Killua.

"Honestly you should have said something first." Mito said. The three friends looked at each other, while Gon and Killua laughed, with Y/n just drinking her tea that Aunt Mito gave her.

"Are you listening to me!" The 3 jumped at Mito's yelling at them and pointing a plate at their faces as she continued to clean. "Oh that's right. Take a bath while I make something to eat. Also put out your dirty clothes. I'll be doing the laundry."

"Okay later." Gon replied to Aunt Mito, who huffed. "Now! You have ten seconds!" As Mito counted down. Gon was running around behind Killua and Y/n, taking his jacket off and getting the bath ready for them.

"Is she always like this?" Killua

Gon soon pulled off Killua's shirt

"Let's move fast!" Gon told Killua, so they could go and bath

"Let's go Gon, before she counts down." Killua said as they left.

As the 2 males left off towards the bathroom, Y/n say there by herself confused on what to do. Aunt Mito, took the girl to the other bathroom, so she could help the 5 year old.


After Y/n had her bath, with Aunt Mito helping her slightly, she had changed into clothes that Aunt Mito had kept from when Gon was about her age, so she was wearing that.

About a few minutes later they were at the table, with Gon's Grandmother, that had lots of food on it, soon being joined by Gon and Killua

"Okay lets eat!" Mito-san said as everyone was sitting at the table.

"Wow! This looks delicious!" Killua said as he grabbed some food with his fork. As he started to eat, he noticed the 3 other people were silent. he didn't know what they were doing so he sat there quietly. Y/n was the same, she was looking at what Gon was doing, trying to copy him.

Gon opened one of his eyes and looked at Killua who looked in their direction

"What are you doing?"

"Offering our thanks." Gon replied. Soon after Mito and Gon's Grandmother finished.

"Alright let's dig in! Please help yourself, Killua and Y/n." Mito told the 2 guests.

As they were eating, Gon and Killua were playing around, holding their forks up with meatballs posing, ect. While Y/n was trying to reach for some of the food on the other side of the table, talking and giggling while watching what Gon and Killua were doing.

As she laughed Gon sneakily went up to her and stuck his fork in her food, stealing a meat ball.

She squeaked and noticed him stealing her food. "Give me!" She yelled and tried getting the meatball from him, soon stealing a meatball from Killua.

"Oi!" Killua huffed and stole from Gon this time

"Aw man." Gon huffed making Y/n giggle at his reaction. As the now 3 were playing around, Aunt Mito watched them happily as they gobbled down their food and played around.

"Oh right Aunt Mito!" Gon took his hero Licence out of his pocket. He showed it off to Mito, as she jokingly 'bend it' acting like she would break it, scaring Gon.


As they day continued, Killua and Gon had gone out playing, while Y/n stayed inside with Aunt Mito and Gon's Grandmother, taking a nap with Mr Oinks and Foxy.

After about an hour or so, Y/n sat up from the couch, since she was sleeping on the couch, she rubbed her eyes and looked around to see Aunt Mito bringing out a few boxes from what seemed to be a storage room.

She got off the couch, carefully not waking up Mr Oinks, she went over towards Aunt Mito.

"Hai..." The small girl mumbled from her tired self, she looked inside the Boxes to see what the older lady was doing.

"Oh hello Y/n, how was your nap?"

"Good..." The small girl mumbled, her eyes looked at something inside of the box, soon standing on her toes and pulling it out.

Aunt Mito noticed the female was holding a bag that she took out from one of the boxes.

"Oh thats one of Gon's old bags." She told the small female who seemed to like the bag a lot. "You can have the bag if you want." She has told the girl softly, who looked at her happily

"Really? Thank chu!" The small girl smiled happily at Aunt Mito, who smiled softly at the small girl, reminding her of when Gon was when he was younger.


Soon Y/n and Killua sat in Gon's room. On the ground laid a futon mattress for Killua and Y/n to sleep on, but Killua was watching Tv, with the small girl, curling up to his side, already sleeping, since she got tired easily.

Killua was switching between channels, finding nothing that interested him on Tv, turning it off.

'Boring..' He thought to himself, as he looked towards the sleeping female who was curling up to his side sleeping. He looked at her, smiling slightly, he was thinking back to when he was younger, with his younger sister Alluka, but this moment was different..

Probably because Y/n and Alluka weren't the same person, Y/n was less like Alluka, than he originally thought when he saw Y/n with Gon. She was more to put it simply, independent than Alluka, considering she learnt Nen and knows how to fight, or just that she doesn't need to depend on someone, from what he could see.

Soon, petting the female's head, while she snuggled to his side, Killua leaned on the backboard of the bed, closing his eyes as he rested with the small female.



So...someone gave me the Idea of Killua calling Y/n sleepy-chan, so now that is his new nickname (Don't worry only Feitan calls Y/n a brat now you people who say that only Levi Ackerman can call people Brat, soon as the arc ends I'll create a new version to show now the nickname changes + add more on.

I drew Y/n Yay, Here it is! 

You can still design Y/n how ever you want, I just drew her like that since I want to draw a cover so I made a design :p

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You can still design Y/n how ever you want, I just drew her like that since I want to draw a cover so I made a design :p

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