episode 13

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Changbin has a plan, well not THAT concrete

"I'm just gonna talk to him later when we sleep and apologize I guess and explain? Aackk what am I gonna do?" Changbin said frustratedly and groans

It's night time and Seungmin, Felix, Jeongin and Jisung still haven't arrived at their shared house and everyone is getting worried and antsy since no one contacted them the whole day

A few minutes later, the four arrived at their shared house.

Everyone ran towards them and asked

"Where were you guys?" Chan asked as he held Jeongin by his waist

"Yeah, all of you haven't contacted us the whole day" Hyunjin added

"The mall, we just had a personal talk" Seungmin explained as Felix smiled slightly

Changbin noticed Felix at the back, he was about to approach the latter when Felix decided to go to one of the rooms

Changbin sighed

"Well, should we grab dinner?" Hyunjin asked

"Uhm, we already had dinner" Jisung replied and chuckled

"Okay then we'll just eat" Minho replied

"Did Felix already ate?" Changbin asked the remaining three

"Yes, we all did" Jeongin replied

Changbin nodded as he went to the dining area leaving the remaining six

"What did y'all talked about?" Chan asked curiously

"He vented out. I will not go into details since it's his story to tell" Seungmin replied as the others nodded

"We'll go upstairs" Jisung said as Seungmin and Jeongin joined him

"Okay" Minho said as they also went to the dining area

"I'll just talk to him when we sleep"

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