Hello My Name is.... Part 2

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(Yoski Broski, My name is Zenji-san(on Wattpad), I'm ScreechieScorp's brother. He came down with a cold, so I'm taking over for this week. Fair warning this is going to be a bit longer, Screechie said he wanted the origin to not go on another chapter or something. Alright you now the drill, I(He) don't own MHA or any other anime, the plot belongs to me(him) blah blah blah.......... ALRIGHT LETS GO..... Enjoy).

(Next Day at School)

Word got out that Izuku was quirkless and started getting ignored and shunned. He is currently playing alone in the sand box(Benimaru doesn't go to school yet). Izumi was currently talking to there childhood friends, Katsumi and Katsuki Bakugo, and Shoko and Shoto Todoroki.

Shoto: " So he quirkless then" he asked

Izumi: "Yeah....I know he'll still want to be a hero though, I'm worried he going to get hurt" she replies as Katsumi and Shoko nod in agreement.

Katsuki: "......... Hey" everyone looks at him " how about we threaten him"

Katsumi: " That's mean, we can't" she shouts as Izumi agrees.

Shoko: " I don't know Sumi-Chan, your brother may have a point" she says slowly

Shoto: " If he go's out to do hero work, he could die" he says

Katsuki: " It's for his own good" he finishes. Izumi slowly caves in while Katsumi refuses and storms off.

Izumi: " OK, but let's not go to far" she says to which they all agree.

(In sandbox)

Izuku is playing in the sandbox alone since no one would play with him, he is sad because of this but happy since Beni said he learned something new today. He is muttering to himself what it could be when his friends minus Katsumi walked over to him.

Izumi: " Hey brother, do you still want to be a hero?" she asked

Izuku looked at them and beamed " Yeah, more than anything." After the words left his mouth he saw a flash followed by extreme heat then extreme cold.

Katsuki/Shoto: " Give up useless "Deku" " they shouted while Shoko had her foot on him so he couldn't move. All four proceed to beat him up with no mercy failing to notice a small fox tail symbol on his shoulder dimly glowing. There're still beating him up awhile later until a wave of green flames is fired at them and narrowly misses. They all look up to see a small Benimaru with his hand outstretched and his usual green eyes were a raging electric blue, behind him stood Katsumi in shock.

Izuku: " Beni-" " Shush" Beni quickly cuts off looking at him then refocuses on the four perpetrators then narrows his eyes at Izumi.

Benimaru: " Explain....Now" his tone was icy and sharp making the others flinch.

Izumi: " W-w-w-what" she stuttered, she had never seen Benimaru angry but also didn't know he could control flames. Benimaru's whole forearm re-ignites, this time the the flames be as blue as his eyes.

Benimaru: " EXPLAIN NOW" he yells, his face no longer plain but showing fury with his teeth bared and tail bristled moving erratically.

The whole playground has stopped at this point, looking at the altercation.

Katsumi notices and whispers in Beni's ear, " I know your upset, but this is not the place to ask questions" he looks back slightly glaring, but it fades like his flames after realizing she is right.

"Come on let's go home Beni" she says softly, he nods and start walking toward Izuku attempting to lift him up but staggers on bending down. He feels a sharp pain near the base of his tail but ignores it, he look at Katsumi for help which she gives and they both walk to the entrance.

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