Chapter 2: The Azrail House

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Aidan rode his bike up to the park the following day. Everybody was there except for Max. Aidan dropped his bike and ran over to the bench everyone was hanging around at. There was a girl blond hair sitting on the bench next to Eddie.
"Who's this?" Aidan asked him.
"This is my friend, Peppermint." Eddie introduced her.
"Pepper for short." She smiled at Aidan. Aidan nodded and looked over to Domino.
"Where's Max?" Aidan asked them.
"He hasn't shown up yet." Domino answered, sitting down on the bench. Aidan sat down next to Domino and looked at the ground. Finally, they saw Max running towards them.
"Sorry! My bike broke." Max panted.
"It's fine." Elaina smiled, making room for him on the bench. Max looked over to Eddie and pressed his lips together. Eddie noticed Max looking at him and looked over to Max as well. Max continued to stare at him. Eddie looked over to Aidan in confusion.
"Anyway," Aidan broke the ice. Max looked up to Aidan.
"What do we wanna do today on the first day of summer break?" Domino looked at everyone.
"Do you know that creepy house on Azrail St.?" Aidan asked, looking over to Domino.
"Uh, yeah. The one with the broken window in the front?" Elaina looked over to Aidan.
"Yeah. 363 Azrail St." Aidan nodded and stood up.
"Where are you going?" Max asked him, also standing up.
"I'm gonna go inside of it." Aidan picked up his bike.
"We're exploring a haunted house?" Domino stood up and walked over to Aidan.
"Well, I guess so." Aidan kicked his leg over his bike seat and sat down.
"Maybe there's something else better we can do?" Max looked at Aidan.
"Come on, don't be such a wimp!" Aidan smiled after looking over to Max.
"Maybe me and Max can stay behind, you guys can go." Eddie said, looking from Max to Aidan.
"On second thought, I'll go." Max said quickly, walking over to Aidan and Domino.
"That-a-boy, Maxie!" Elaina smiled and ran over to get her bike. Eddie sighed, walking over to his bike before picking it up.
"I don't have my bike." Max looked at Aidan.
"Just walk beside us, we won't go fast."

They rode up to the huge abandoned house.
"Wow.." Eddie looked from the house to Aidan.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Domino dropped his bike in the yard of the house.
"He's right, let's go in." Aidan looked back to everyone. They all put their bikes in the front yard and walked into the house.
"Woah.." Elaina looked at the dirty and pealing wallpaper.
"This place is disgusting!" Eddie scrunched his nose.
"I agree." Pepper looked over to Eddie.
"Everybody stick together." Aidan told them. They nodded. They walked carefully through the house, each step making the floor boards creak. They turned the corner into a little girls room.
"Sick!" Domino smiled as they entered.
"Guys, I think we explored this house enough. It might be private property." Max gulped, sniffling his nose.
"I got an idea." Aidan ignored Max and sat down on the floor.
"What are you doing?" Eddie looked at him, confused.
"Let's summon something!" Aidan smiled pulling Max down to sit next to him.
"Aidan, not Night." Max sighed, watching everyone else sit down.
"Awh, why not?" Aidan looked at over Max and frowned.
"Well, too bad! You don't make the decisions, Max!" Domino told him.
"And you do?" Max looked angrily over to Domino.
"Oh, Night! Please come down on us!" Elaina shouted. Pepper, Eddie, and Max looked over to her with wide eyes.
"Oh, holy Night!" Aidan threw his hands up in the air.
"Stupid Night!" Domino scrunched his nose, looking daringly at Aidan.
"Yeah, say mean things about him to agitate him!" Aidan smiled.
"Who's Night?" Pepper said to Eddie, still watching the others.
"He's just a myth they believe in." Eddie shook his head slowly, looking over to Pepper. Max looked over to Eddie, a concerned look littering his freckled face.
"What do you think Night is?" Aidan looked over to Elaina.
"He's a stupid, dirty dog!" Elaina smiled.
"He's just a stupid, weak idiot!" Domino laughed.
"Imaginary." Eddie said, looking over to Aidan.
"You're such a buzzkill." Aidan sighed, looking back over to Domino.
"Night! Please shive down on us!" Domino yelled.
"Please Night! We want to see you!" Elaina shouted.
"Max?" Aidan said, seeing that Max was sitting there, starring into space.
"What's wrong with him?" Pepper asked, slightly concerned.
"Max!" Aidan shook him, trying to wake him up from his trance.
"What's he doing?" Elaina looked at Max. They all heard a sound from behind them, which made them whirl their heads around.
"What was that.." Eddie said, slowly inching closer to the others.
"Edd?" Pepper whispered to him.
"What?" He looked back at her, pressing his lips together.
"I think we should get out of here." She grabbed his shoulder.
"I agree." Eddie nodded, standing up. Before Pepper had the chance to stand up, all of their vision went pitch black and all they could hear was a shrilling scream.

Before you move on to the next chapter, you should read about the characters!
Aidan Strike - a 9 year old with an explosive and cocky personality. Has ADHD. He favors the color red. He has light brown hair  with bangs and yellow-green eyes.
Domino "Dom" Cash - a lively and humorous 10 year old. Has asthma. He favors the color blue. He has messy black hair with white tips and blue eyes.
Elaina Barrett - a sassy and energetic 10 year old. She favors the color purple. She has straight blond hair and brown eyes.
Edward "Eddie or Edd" Koors - a spunky and sarcastic 10 year old. He favors the color grey. He has schizophrenia. He has dark brown hair that is swept to the side and bright green eyes.
Peppermint "Pepper" Patty - a shy and quiet 10 year old. She favors the colors white and red. She has light blond hair, almost white. She has yellow eyes.
Maxwell "Max" Byers - a jumpy and social 10 year old. He favors the colors yellow and grey. He has light brown hair and strange grey eyes. He has a brown spot in his right eye.

Please tell me who is your favorite! I hope you enjoy the book!

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