Two (2)

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Chapter 2;Cliché
Word count;1246

There it stood before you. Inarizaki High School. Apparently, this was pretty good high school. The athletic programs were amazing and everyone's grades were good too.

Unlucky for you because you lacked both athletics and brain cells so, who knows how this was gonna work out for you.

You looked at the paper in your hand after noticing that you've been eyeballing the building for a weird amount of time. According to the white sheet of paper, you were in class 2-1, which you had no idea of where that even was. You silently cursed to yourself, making your way into the building.

The halls were crowded, students talking and walking with each other. You had already switched your shoes at the entrance of the school, of course struggling with your combination. Those things can be impossible sometimes.

You tried your best to stay out of peoples way while constantly looking up and down at your schedule. Class 2-1? Did I pass that already? You were tempted to turn around and walk back down the hallway, but your 'pride' and anxiety told you no.

You continued your journey down the hallway, turning left and right every so often. You didn't want to look clueless and lost even though you clearly were.

You had been going in circles. You noticed after seeing the same plant next to the water fountain for the third time.

Where the fuck is Teruma when you need him? Dad said he's already here so where the fuck-

You were easily getting irritated. You contemplated on if you should call your dickhead of a brother to ask him where his ass is at so he can help you.

Or at least be lost with you.

"Why is this school so damn big! For what!" You grunted, trying to keep your voice down. "See, this is what I get for transferring here 2 months into the school year. Mom I blame you!"

"Why are you blaming your mom in the middle of the hallway...?" You quickly turned around, almost jumping at the deep voice. You were met with someones neck. What a thick neck- (F/n) what the actual fuck I-

You awkwardly tilted your head up a bit to see the person's face. He had dark brown hair, shaved down to a clean buzz cut. The boys eyes was a nice grey color, you could slightly see hints of a pale green in them, wondering if your brain was playing tricks on you.

His skin tone was a rich shade of brown that simply reminded you of milk chocolate. From here, it looked smooth and soft as if he took care of it like it was life or death.

He was wearing the regular school uniform, but had a red and black jacket on over his blazer. " gonna answer my question orrrr..."

"Oh- my bad." You brought your left hand up and scratched your head. You'd been staring too long. WAY too long. I probably just made him hella uncomfortable I'm-

"I may or may not be lost." You stated, trying your best to not make the atmosphere even more weird.

He silently looked at you, making a face as if he was actually deciding on if he should care or not. "Okay, whe-"

"I didn't ask for help." You said cutting him off. You didn't want your first day at Inarizaki to be like one of those clichés from all the animes you've watched. You told yourself you wouldn't let it happen!

He raised his eyebrow, questioning you. You blankly stared at him for a couple of seconds, observing him. "Okay then...go to your class. The bells gonna ring in a couple of minutes." He said smugly, looking as if he didn't give a damn whether or not you could find your class. In reality, he messed with you just to get some entertainment early in the morning.

"I will!"

You began your journey once more, new motivation bubbling up in you from this stranger. He stared at the back of your head as you made a right turn. He sighed, a small smile showing up on his features while he leaned up against the wall.

-.°• -

About 2 minutes passed and you ended up in the same spot. You noticed AGAIN that you kept passing the same stupid plant and water fountain. You were getting irritated. A small chuckle was heard from the right of you. Turning your head, you saw the same boy posted up against the white wall.

"What are you laugh at huh??" You squinted at him. He made eye contact with you, "I've see you walk past me 5 times now."


"You might wanna take up my offer from before. You wouldn't wanna be late huh? Assuming that you're new to this school and all." He stated.

This kid...

"Or I can just leave you here to suffer. I don't care."

You decided to screw it and take his help. "Okay, okay, FINE. NOW I'm asking for help." You shifted your eyes away from him. He smirked at you before pushing himself off the wall and walking towards you. "What's your class number?"

"Class 2-1..." You grumbled. "Oh so you're a 2nd year huh? and you're in the same class as my teammate. What the heck are you doing up here with the 3rd years?"

3rd years!? How did I end up here LOL.

"Alright, that's easy." You gave him a nod, looking back at him. He moved his head up in a quick motion, signalling you to follow him.

Teammate eh? So you play a sport mystery man.

The two of you walked down the halls together in a comfortable silence. Everyone was at their classes already, so the hallway was pretty empty compared to how it was when you first got here.

Your mystery man did speak a word to you. You couldn't tell if it was because he didn't know what to say to you or if it was because he simply didn't want to.

You were never good at reading people except your brother but that's because you spent 16 years of your life with him.

"So...what are you?"

Excuse me?

He side eyed you, waiting for your answer as if he didn't just ask a rude question.

"Uh I'm a dog thanks for asking." You said sarcastically. Unknowingly, he held back a small smile. "I mean are you actually new? I just assumed earlier." He adjusted his red jacket, tugging it down a bit.

"Yea, I just sorta transferred here." Now understanding what he meant.

He went quiet again before speaking. "From where?"


He slightly had the urge to question what you were doing here in the Hyōgo Prefecture, but decided to mind his own business.

Fukurōdani was a pretty good school. Their athletic program and academic scores were one of the best in Tokyo, not saying here isn't just as good.

He remained quiet, putting y'all back to the comfortable silence once more.

A couple of seconds later, you both were in front of a door with the sign '2-1'. "There ya go. Have fun." He quickly dismissed himself, turning to walk back in the same direction you both came from.

"Hey- wait! I didn't get your name!" You yelled at him. He turned around with his hands shoved in his pockets.

"Ojiro, Aran."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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