Chapter 17- The First Cat on the Moon

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"Mommy, will I ever be able to reach the stars?"

A young girl with (hc) hair and (ec) eyes, sits on her mother's lap and stares at the deep blue sky before her. Little shining specks of white dot the sky. Her mother lovingly strokes the little girls hair.

The mother chuckles at her (hc) daughter. "It would probably hurt if you did. Stars are really just burning balls of gas."

The young girl looks down, clearly disappointed.

"-but I'm sure you'll reach them one day."


I look up in awe at the stars before me. They glimmer like diamonds in the sky.
I hear Bandits voice come on in my headset. "Where do you guys think he went?"

"I'm not sure...I don't see anyone out here but us." I say back.

"I'm picking up some signals coming from...the moon?" Parakeet tells us.

"But there isn't any iron on the moon." Chat Noir says, flying up next to Parakeet.

"I think we should at least go check it out." I say. "Who knows?"

The four of us begin flying to the moon and eventually land on it. Little clouds of gray moon dust float up from underneath our feet. I turn off my rocket packs to hear complete silence. It was all really...peaceful.

"Haha! I'm the first cat on the moon!!" Chat Noir happily says, cartwheeling across the moons gray dusty surface. I giggle at his antics and look around at my surroundings.

The real view of the Earth beat every picture of it I'd ever seen. The green and sandy colored continent's looked perfect in the deep blue ocean that parted them. The swirling white clouds looked like Cotten candy wrapped around its surface.

Chat Noir walks up to me(well it's more of bouncing with less gravity) "It's beautiful, isn't it?" I softly say.

He hugs me from behind and rests his head on mine. "It is...but I can think of a few things more beautiful."

"What could possibly beat this view?" I gesture to the view of Earth.


My cheeks turn bright red as I turn to face Chat Noir. His bright green eyes glisten with the light from the stars. We smile at each other for a moment. "I would love to kiss you right now." Chat whispers.

"But then you'd suffocate." I giggle. "I'm pretty sure that's the reason we wear helmets." I tap the glass covering Chat Noir's face.

Chat pouts.

"Sorry Chaton."

"UGH WE GET IT!! THE MOON IS ROMANTIC. QUIT FLIRTING SO WE CAN GET ON WITH THE MISSION!!" Bandit moans from behind us. Parakeet punches his forearm.

"You're just jealous because you know that you'll never date anyone." She teases

Chat Noir and I blush. "R-Right..." we stutter in union.

The four of us begin traveling across the moon, following Parakeets tracker. "There he is!" Bandit exclaims, pointing to a figure in the distance.

"Let's surround him so he has nowhere to go." Parakeet suggests.

"Good idea." Bandit says.

"Since when do you give compliments?" I scoff.

"Since now." He sharply says.

Parakeet's cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "Alright, how should we split up?" She asks.

I think for a moment. "How about you fly over head and go at him from the front," I tell Parakeet, "I'll take the left, Bandit takes the center, and Chat Noir goes at him from the right?"

"Sounds good to me!"


"Let's do it."

We all split up and I suddenly realize something. How were we going to stop this Space Raider guy? What were his weaknesses? I quickly pull out my Mirror.

"Alley Cat? What's wrong?" I hear Parakeet's high pitched voice through the speaker.

"I just realized something, once we corner this guy, how are we supposed to stop him? What are his weaknesses?"

"Shoot...uh...aim for his rocket packs. He can't fly without them, then he won't be able to get away." She says.

"Cool. I'll call Chat and tell him, and you call Bandit."

"NO! Uh...I mean...why don't YOU call Bandit? I'd like to get to know Chat Noir better!" She quickly says.

That was weird... "uh, sure." I say back into the mirror. I hang up and scroll through my contact list until I see Bandit's name. It occurs to me that I really don't know a ton about him. We only ever tease each other when we talk. It makes me feel bad...
I'll just have to try and get to know him better! I think to myself.


"Hey Bandit, when you attack Space Raider, aim for his rocket boosters. If we can knock those out, then he can't escape." I explain.

"Good idea."

I smile. "It was actually Parakeet's." I say.

"Really...?" He says in a bit of awe.

"Yup! Anyways, we'd better get going on this plan. Good luck, Bandit!" I say into the mirror.

"You too."

After putting my mirror away, I crouch down and slowly begin creeping towards Space Raider. He has some type of drill coming out of his hand as he forces it into the ground. I look to my sides to see Bandit and Parakeet, while Chat Noir is facing my front. We all look at each other and give a thumbs up. All at once, we're sprinting/flying towards Space Raider at top speed. Chat Noir and I grab onto his arms holding him still, and Parakeet and Bandit begin pulling on his rocket boosters.

"Why are you doing this?!" Space Raider bellows in a robotic voice.

"You're a supervillain." Bandit says

"And we're superhero's." Parakeet chirps.

"It's kinda our thing." The two of them say at the same time.

Oh yeah...finishing each other's's all coming together. I think while smiling to myself.

"Hurry up! I can't hold it much...longer." I tell them.

"One...more...pull..."Bandit grunts, while yanking on the booster. "Got it!!" He exclaims, holding it triumphantly in the air.

Parakeet pulls her own booster off a few moments later. "Yes!"

Chat Noir and I let go of Space Raider, and begin catching our breath.

"Great...job...every-...-one." I pant.

Parakeet crushes the rocket booster underneath her foot. Little purple sparks fly out from underneath it. That's odd... I think.

Bandit picks up his booster and looks at it inquisitively. "Strange...I've never seen parts like these before..." he says while grazing his finger across its iron surface.

"How do you know about that?" Chat Noir asks.

"I fix up a lot of gadgets I find around in the trash and whatnot." He looks up at us. "To be fair, I've never found a rocket pack, but I've still never seen the majority of these parts."

"Do you want to hold onto it? You could find out how it works. Who knows? Maybe it'll help us later on!" Parakeet says, kneeling down next to Bandit.

I nod my head. "That's a great idea!"

Parakeet happily squeals "yay!!" She quickly throws her arms around Bandit and hugs him, still squealing.

I notice the slightest blush on his cheeks before he pushes her off of him.

𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓛𝓲𝓮𝓼 (Chat Noir x Reader) -The Eye of the Black Cat Pt.2-Where stories live. Discover now