Chapter 1

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Teacher: Now I'm going to have you all look into potential jobs ... [throws papers in the air] OH WHO AM I KDDING YOU ALL WANT TO BE HEROES !

Class: [everyone cheering except 3 people]

Bakugo: Tch...teach DONT lump me and Laxus in with these bunch of losers they will all be lucky to be some D-list heroes sidekicks

Laxus: [under his breath] tch...bunch of weaklings

Class: Ohhh you think your better than us huh

Bakugou: Oh please Me and Laxus are the only ones able to be heroes here we'll get accepted into U.A and become the strongest heroes

Teacher: Hmmm You and Laxus do have impressive grades and quirks...perhaps you will make it into U.A

Class: WHATTTT!! U.A doesn't that have like a 0.2 percent acceptance rate?

Laxus: Yes it does which is why me and Katsuki are the only ones here strong enough to get in

Bakugou: Yeah we are the only ones worthy to get in

Teacher: Oh! Midoryia aren't you planning on going to U.A aswell?


[Timeskip till end of class since we all know what happens]

Laxus: Hey Katsuki, I'm going to be training for the next 10 months on my own...good luck

Bakugou: hmmm that's fine but you better get stronger so I can beat you at your best

Laxus: Hahaha you got it Katsuki but [menacing glare] better hope you can keep up with me because I'd hate for you to say all this just to lose

Bakugou: [kinda intimidated] pshh oh please I'll definitely beat you in 10 months so be ready

The End.

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